Wednesday, January 26, 2022

I explained the double-slit experiment


I explained the double-slit experiment


“I explained the double-slit experiment because I discovered what the photon is: the photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


“Inside the photon, the negative photon and the positive photon have the same frequency”

Adrian Ferent


“I am the first in the last 221 years who explained Young’s double-slit experiment”

Adrian Ferent


“The splitter split the photon into two photons”

 Adrian Ferent


“In the double-slit experiment the photon is split into two photons, which pass through both slits simultaneously and then interfere”

Adrian Ferent


Stolen from Ferent Quantum Gravity:


“Nearly a century after Italian physicist Ettore Majorana laid the groundwork for the discovery that electrons could be divided into halves, researchers predict that split photons may also exist, according to a study from Dartmouth and SUNY Polytechnic Institute researchers.”


Discovery of 'split' photon provides a new way to see light


My theory is where they stole it from:


“The photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


“The negative photon is emitted by the electron and has a negative electric field”

Adrian Ferent


“The positive photon is emitted by the positron and has a positive electric field”

Adrian Ferent


“The negative photon carries the electric charge properties and the magnetic moment properties of the electron”

Adrian Ferent


Ettore Majorana was wrong:

Majorana suggested that electrons could be split into halves!


In Ferent Quantum Gravity: the electrons cannot be split into halves!


I discovered what the electron is and what the photon is:


“The electron is a photon with an energy of 0.511 MeV around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The Spin of the electron is the Orbital angular momentum of the photon within the electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron has an electric field due to the photon inside the electron”

 Adrian Ferent


“The electron has a magnetic field due to the photon inside the electron”

 Adrian Ferent


All Nobel Laureates do not know what the electron is:


In Ferent Quantum Gravity:


“The electron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


Double-slit experiment


Since 1801 nobody was capable to explain the double-slit experiment.


A wave is split into two separate waves that later combine into a single wave.


In 1801 Thomas Young asserted that light has the properties of a wave in an experiment called Young’s Interference Experiment, showed that lights (waves) passing through two slits (double-slit) add together or cancel each other and then interference fringes appear.

The distance between the slits is roughly the same as the light's wavelength.

This phenomenon cannot be explained unless light is considered as a wave.

The interference of light is the redistribution of light energy due to superposition of light waves from the two coherent sources.

Changes in the path-lengths of both waves result in a phase shift, creating an interference pattern.


The double-slit experiment with electrons. The pictures show the pattern you get on the second wall as more and more electrons are fired. The result is a stripy interference pattern. The spots where electrons hit, build up to replicate the interference pattern from a wave.

Particles such as electrons combine characteristics of particles and characteristics of waves. That's the famous wave particle duality of quantum mechanics.

Interference and diffraction is related to coherence of the waves produced at both slits.

The association of an electron with a wave is unique to quantum theory.


The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon where photons (light quanta) have the properties not only of a wave but also of a particle.


To explain what the wave-particle duality means is a key point of debate in quantum physics.

There are many interpretations but they are all bound by the same set of wave equations and must explain the same experimental observations.

This ability to describe reality in the form of a wave function, generally in the form of the Schrödinger equation is at the heart of quantum mechanics.


In the double-slit experiment a photon appear to have passed through both slits simultaneously, before interfering with itself, acting as a wave.


There is no consensus on the genuine meaning of wave-particle duality and the interpretation of quantum theory.

The wave-particle duality is a fundamental property of the nature. At the same time, it is one of the greatest mysteries of modern physics.


Sometimes electrons behave as particles in beta radiation and sometimes as waves in electron diffraction, in the double-slit experiment.


Conservation of energy in the double-slit experiment:


Thomas Young showed that how a ray of light split into two pieces and how it produces a pattern of light and dark bands, which laid the foundations for the understanding of dual nature of the light.


The double-slit experiment replaces one photon with two new photons, a wave is split into two separate waves.

A single photon with wavelength 350 nm can be absorbed and re-emitted as a pair of quantum mechanically entangled photons each with wavelength 700 nm.


     hf = hf1 + hf2


where f1 = f2


“The photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


That is why:


“Inside the photon, the negative photon and the positive photon have the same frequency”

Adrian Ferent



Two wave sources are coherent if their frequency and their waveform are identical.

Two waves are said to be coherent if they have a constant relative phase. .

Coherence enables interference of the stationary waves.


Pure state and mixed state

If the incident beam is represented by a quantum pure state, the split beams of the two slits are represented as a superposition of the pure states representing each split beam.

The quantum description of imperfectly coherent paths is called a mixed state.


You learned that: single photons travel as though they are interfering with other photons, but is itself indivisible. Matter also has this dual character; interference of electrons and atoms has been observed experimentally. All of this is backed up by years of work.


Richard Feynman described the double-slit experiment as one “which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery”


In Ferent Quantum Gravity:


A coherent light source illuminates a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate. 

In the single-slit experiment, the pattern on the screen is a diffraction pattern in which the light is spread out.

Double-slit diffraction illustrates key features of quantum mechanics: interference and the particle-wave duality of matter.


If only one photon was sent through the double-slit at a time?

Scientists answer:  is that each individual photon must in order to have produced an interference pattern, have gone through both slits!

This simplest of quantum experiments, has been the basis of many of the unintuitive interpretations of quantum physics. 


All scientists, all Nobel Laureates…can not explain how the photon will appear to have passed through both slits simultaneously before interfering with itself, acting like a wave.


Can a single photon split in half, pass through both slits simultaneously and then interfere with itself? 


Two-photon interference of a quantum entangled source.


“The photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


That is why:


The photon is split in half, pass through both slits simultaneously and then interfere


“The splitter split the photon into two photons”

 Adrian Ferent


Because the photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon:


The photon is split into two halves, which pass through both slits simultaneously and then interfere.


“In the double-slit experiment the photon is split into two photons, which pass through both slits simultaneously and then interfere”

Adrian Ferent


“I am the first in the last 221 years who explained Young’s double-slit experiment”

Adrian Ferent


“I explained the double-slit experiment because I discovered what the photon is: the photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


571. I am the first who explained the double-slit experiment because I discovered what the photon is: the photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon


572. I am the first who discovered that inside the photon, the negative photon and the positive photon have the same frequency


573. I am the first in the last 221 years who explained Young’s double-slit experiment


574. I am the first who discovered that the splitter split the photon into two photons


575. I am the first who discovered that in the double-slit experiment the photon is split into two photons, which pass through both slits simultaneously and then interfere


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