Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Einstein did not understand Special relativity and Gravitation


“Einstein did not understand Special relativity and Gravitation”
  Adrian Ferent


“The photon energy inside the electron is E = const / λ”

Adrian Ferent


“Inside the electron the graviton flux is higher closer to the Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravitation is stronger closer to the Dark Matter electron; that is why at high speed the electron does not disintegrate”

Adrian Ferent


“In particle accelerator the electron becomes smaller because the frequency of the photon inside the electron becomes higher”

Adrian Ferent


Particle accelerator produces a beam of fast-moving, electrically charged atomic or subatomic particles.

In particle accelerators scientists try to accelerate electrons to the speed of light.

Because the scientists do not understand what the electron is, they do not understand what they’re doing there.


“The electron is a photon around Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“Between the Ferent time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s and the Planck time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created Dark Matter electrons”

Adrian Ferent


“When the photons were created, the photons with the energy 0.5 MeV and the Dark Matter electrons created the electrons”

Adrian Ferent


A photon creates an electron–positron pair near a nucleus.

The photon must have higher energy than the sum of the rest mass energies of an electron and positron 1.022 MeV.


“Einstein did not explain the length contraction and discovered a geometrical interpretation of Gravity not a Quantum interpretation like in Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG)”

Adrian Ferent


Length contraction in Ferent Quantum Gravity:


“The interpretation of Length contraction you have learned from Einstein, from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists… is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


The equation for an elementary particle made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle, is the Ferent equation for elementary particle as a quantum system:


“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent


This is a linear partial differential equation that describes the wave function of a quantum-mechanical system made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle.


The Lorentz factor:


Length contraction: the length ∆x′ of an object as measured in the frame in which it is moving, is shorter than its length ∆x in its own rest frame

∆x′ = ∆x / γ


Ferent Quantum Gravity:


“I quantized the gravitational field with gravitons”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravitational field is Gravitons”

Adrian Ferent


“What the scientists, the Nobel Laureates, your professors… do not understand?

When the electron is accelerated gains energy and when the electron – positron collide the energy is transferred to the photons and Dark Matter electrons”

Adrian Ferent


 “I am the first who explained the accelerated elementary particles: The elementary particles are not the same as when the acceleration began in particle accelerators”

Adrian Ferent


Electron energy ~ 50 GeV 

When f = 10^25 Hz, the electron diameter:  d= 10^(-17) m


“At 50 GeV the electron is contracted to d / 100000, close to the speed of light. The electron is not the same as when the acceleration began”

Adrian Ferent


“High energy particles, Z and W bosons are not created from electron-positron collisions, they are created from photons collisions in Ferent Quantum Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


“I explained particle collisions, because I discovered what the electron is”

Adrian Ferent


The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center has a 2 mile linear accelerator and accelerates electrons to 25 GeV.

At full acceleration for electrons and positrons in opposite directions, it can attain 50 GeV of energy for colliding beam experiments.


“Ferent’s Dark Matter mass-energy equivalence equation: E = md × vp^2”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron energy is the sum of the photon energy and the Dark Matter electron energy”

Adrian Ferent


“The particle energy E, is the sum of Matter energy and Dark Matter energy:

 E = Em + Edm”

Adrian Ferent


“The graviton flux is defined as the number of gravitons per second per unit area”

Adrian Ferent


The gravitational flux over a surface S is therefore given by the surface integral:


“Gravitational field strength is smaller at higher altitude, because the flux of gravitons to the same surface is smaller at higher altitude, this means fewer interactions.”

 Adrian Ferent


E = hf


“The circumference of the electron is λ / 2, half of photon wavelength”

 Adrian Ferent


E = const / λ


“The photon energy inside the electron is E = const / λ”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Gravitation is stronger closer to the Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“Inside the electron the graviton flux is higher closer to the Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


That is why:


“Gravitation is stronger closer to the Dark Matter electron; that is why at high speed the electron does not disintegrate”

Adrian Ferent


Special relativity explained:


“In particle accelerator the electron becomes smaller because the frequency of the photon inside the electron becomes higher”

Adrian Ferent


This is another proof that:


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, the Standard Model of particle physics is wrong, because Higgs boson and gluons do not exist and the electron, the quarks are not elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravitation for Einstein is a Geometric theory; Ferent Quantum Gravity is a Quantum theory”

Adrian Ferent


“Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space”
  Adrian Ferent


“The 2013, 2017, 2019, 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics are Frauds because they did not understand Gravitation, Dark Matter and Black Holes”

Adrian Ferent


What you learned from Einstein, from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists… about Gravitation is wrong.


“Einstein did not understand Special relativity and Gravitation”
  Adrian Ferent


655. I am the first who discovered that the photon energy inside the electron is E = const / λ


656. I am the first who discovered that inside the electron the graviton flux is higher closer to the Dark Matter electron


657. I am the first who discovered that Gravitation is stronger closer to the Dark Matter electron; that is why at high speed the electron does not disintegrate


658. I am the first who discovered that in particle accelerator the electron becomes smaller because the frequency of the photon inside the electron becomes higher




Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Quarks emit and receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons


“Up quarks emit Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Up quarks receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Down quarks emit Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Down quarks receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Quarks emit and receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“At particle accelerators the scientists do not understand what they collide, because they do not understand what Matter is, what Antimatter is and what Dark Matter is”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles are created around Dark Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


“Matter was created from Dark Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, the Standard Model of particle physics is wrong, because Higgs boson and gluons do not exist and the electron, the quarks are not elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“Electrons contain Dark Matter electron with the mass much smaller than electron mass, but with much higher energy”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron energy is the sum of the photon energy and the Dark Matter electron energy”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists…about elementary particles is wrong; because you learned about elementary particles without Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Beyond Planck units are Ferent units”

Adrian Ferent


“Beyond Matter is Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


 “Einstein general relativity is a wrong Gravitation theory because does not explain what was at Planck Wall and beyond”

Adrian Ferent


“General relativity and quantum mechanics are not applicable beyond the Planck Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity Dark Matter particles like Dark Matter quark, Dark Matter electrons, Dark Photons, Gravitons…can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


“My discovery of Faster Than Light particles is another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is right”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter quark is the Dark Matter inside the quark”

 Adrian Ferent


This means in Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG):


“The up quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


 “The up quark cannot emit a gluon and the down quark cannot emit a gluon, this means gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon and the down quark cannot receive a gluon, this means gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Up quarks emit Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Up quarks receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


 “Down quarks emit Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Down quarks receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


In Ferent Quantum Gravity gluons do not exist!


What is strong nuclear force?


“The strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons, because gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent




“Quarks emit and receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


650. I am the first who discovered that up quarks emit Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons


651. I am the first who discovered that up quarks receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons


652. I am the first who discovered that down quarks emit Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons


653. I am the first who discovered that down quarks receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons


654. I am the first who discovered that quarks emit and receive Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons




Thursday, November 24, 2022

Dark Matter quarks can travel Faster Than Light


“Dark Matter quarks can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


 “All scientists do not understand that elementary particles must contain Dark Matter, not only photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Particles with positive rest mass can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


“Dark Matter quarks have positive rest mass and can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


“General relativity and Quantum mechanics are not applicable beyond the Planck Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“Faster Than Light particles are Dark Matter particles”

Adrian Ferent


No one was able to explain how particles with positive rest mass can travel faster than light, FTL.


“Particles with positive rest mass can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


“Einstein, the scientists, your professors did not understand Gravitation, Dark Matter, Particle physics… because mass–energy equivalence equation is not E= mc^2, it is Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation: E= mc^2 + md×vp^2”

Adrian Ferent


“The only theory that explains Gravitation, Dark Matter, Particle physics…is Ferent Quantum Gravity!”

Adrian Ferent


“Dark Matter maintain the photons inside the elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“Because Ferent Quantum Gravity is right scientists Stole my theory”

Adrian Ferent


“When you know the result of a theory, it is easy to steal and build a new theory with the same result”

Adrian Ferent


“At particle accelerators the scientists do not understand what they collide, because they do not understand what Matter is, what Antimatter is and what Dark Matter is”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent


“What the scientists, the Nobel Laureates, your professors… do not understand?

When the electron is accelerated gains kinetic energy and when the electron – positron collide the kinetic energy is transferred to the photons and Dark Matter electrons”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles are created around Dark Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


“Matter was created from Dark Matter”

 Adrian Ferent


I discovered that:


“The electron is not an elementary particle, because it is composed of a Photon and a Dark electron”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, the Standard Model of particle physics is wrong, because Higgs boson and gluons do not exist and the electron, the quarks are not elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“The electrons contain Dark Matter electron with the mass much smaller than electron mass, but with much higher energy”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron energy is the sum of the photon energy and the Dark Matter electron energy”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists…about elementary particles is wrong; because you learned about elementary particles without Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


Any measurement in quantum mechanics can not be smaller than Planck length.

Any measurement in quantum mechanics can not be smaller than Planck time.


We have:

Δx ≥ lp

Δt ≥ tp


“The Schrödinger equation and the Dirac equation are wrong because length can not be smaller than Planck length and time can not be smaller than Planck time.”

Adrian Ferent


“Beyond Planck units are Ferent units”

Adrian Ferent


“Beyond Matter is Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


 “Einstein general relativity is a wrong Gravitation theory because does not explain what was at Planck Wall and beyond”

Adrian Ferent


“General relativity and quantum mechanics are not applicable beyond the Planck Wall”

Adrian Ferent


Today we know that the space is not an infinitely divisible continuum, it is not smooth but granular and Planck length and Planck volume gives the size of its smallest possible grains.


Planck volume

Planck length, lP = 1.616199×10^(-35) m

Planck volume, lP3 = 4.22419×10^(-105) m^3


Ferent volume

Ferent length: lF = 1.296 × 10^(-69) m

Ferent volume lF3 = 2.18 × 10^(-207) m^3


‘The Ferent factor is the Lorentz factor where the speed of the photon is replaced by the Dark photon speed”

Adrian Ferent


What will happen with the electron at the speed of light?

Not the infinite mass and energy how you learned from your professors!


“The electron at the speed of light it will be broken down into high energy photon and Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Dark Matter electron can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


In general:


“We do not see Dark Matter energy because at light speed the Dark Matter energy is not released”

Adrian Ferent


In Ferent Quantum Gravity:


“Black Holes are Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


The electron – positron pair is produced by a photon – photon interaction.


This means:


“The gamma ray and the Dark Matter electron travel together at the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


 “Because the Dark Matter electron travels at the sped of light, Special Relativity is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Because Special Relativity is wrong, General Relativity is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Near the Black Holes gravitons accelerate electrons to the speed of light and they break them in high energy photons and Dark Matter electrons”

Adrian Ferent


“Near Black Holes gravitons accelerate electrons to the speed of light and they break them in Gamma rays and Dark Matter electrons. After that the Dark Matter electrons are accelerated Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


How to accelerate electrons to the speed of light?

Because in Ferent Quantum Gravity the electron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron, acting on a photon how I explained it is not possible in particle accelerators.


“To accelerate the electron to the speed of light must be acted upon Dark Matter electron with Gravitons”

Adrian Ferent


What will happen with the electron at the speed of light?

Not the infinite mass and energy how you learned from your professors!


“Dark Matter has another Structure, based on Ferent length lF = 1.296 × 10^(-69) m much smaller than Planck length lP = 1.616199×10^(-35) m”

Adrian Ferent


The density of Dark Matter is higher than Planck density = 5.2 × 10^96 kg/m^3


I consider the Dark Matter density for Dark Matter electron 5.2 × 10^99 kg/m^3, much smaller than Ferent density.


Electron mass: M = 9×10^(-31) kg

Dark matter electron mass: m = 9×10^(-34) kg

Volume of Dark matter electron: V = 9×10^(-34) kg / 5.2 × 10^99 kg/m^3

Volume of Dark matter electron: V = 1.7 × 10^(-133) m^3 

Planck volume, lP3 = 4.22419×10^(-105) m^3


This means:


“The density of Dark Matter electron is greater than Planck density”

Adrian Ferent


“The volume of Dark Matter electron is smaller than Planck volume”

Adrian Ferent


“Dark Matter electron has positive rest mass and can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity Dark Matter particles like Dark Matter electrons, Dark Photons, Gravitons…travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


“My discovery of Faster Than Light particles is another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is right”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter quark is the Dark Matter inside the quark”

 Adrian Ferent


“Dark Matter electron rest mass is close to Dark Matter quark rest mass”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Dark Matter quarks have positive rest mass and can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


“Dark Matter quarks can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


645. I am the first who discovered that all scientists do not understand that elementary particles must contain Dark Matter, not only photons


646. I am the first who discovered that particles with positive rest mass can travel Faster Than Light


647. I am the first who discovered that Dark Matter quarks have positive rest mass and can travel Faster Than Light


648. I am the first who discovered that Dark Matter quarks can travel Faster Than Light


649. I am the first who discovered that General relativity and Quantum mechanics are not applicable beyond the Planck Wall




Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons, because gluons do not exist


“The strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons, because gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


The strong nuclear force is a fundamental interaction that confines quarks into proton and neutron.

The strong nuclear force or the strong interaction also binds neutrons and protons to create atomic nuclei, where it is called the nuclear force.


What did you learn?


The strong interaction is mediated by the exchange of massless particles called gluons that act between quarks.

Bosons like gluons act as force carriers.


At the range of 10^(−15) m, more than the radius of a nucleon, the strong force is approximately 100 times as strong as electromagnetic force, 10^6 times as strong as the weak interaction and 10^38 times as strong as gravitation.


The strong interaction is observable at two ranges and mediated by two force carriers:


On a larger scale, 1 to 3 fm, it is the force carried by mesons that binds protons and neutrons together to form the nucleus of an atom.


On the smaller scale, less than 0.8 fm, it is the force carried by gluons that holds quarks together to form protons, neutrons.

The radius of a nucleon is 0.8 fm.


The strong force is described by quantum chromodynamics, a part of the Standard Model of particle physics.


The force carrier particle of the strong interaction is the gluon, a massless gauge boson.


Unlike the photon in electromagnetism, which is neutral, the gluon carries a color charge.


The quarks and gluons in quantum chromodynamics interact with each other through the strong force.

The strength of interaction is parameterized by the strong coupling constant.


The elementary quark and gluon particles involved in a high energy collision are not directly observable.

The interaction produces jets of newly created hadrons that are observable. 


“The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter quark is the Dark Matter inside the quark”

 Adrian Ferent


“I discovered what the electron is, what the quark is, because I discovered what Dark Matter is”

Adrian Ferent


This means in Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG):


“The up quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent




“The up quark cannot emit a gluon and the down quark cannot emit a gluon, this means gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon and the down quark cannot receive a gluon, this means gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, the Standard Model of particle physics is wrong, because Higgs boson and gluons do not exist and the electron, the quarks are not elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“Most of the Nobel Prizes received for the Standard Model of particle physics were frauds”

Adrian Ferent


In Ferent Quantum Gravity gluons do not exist!


What is strong nuclear force?


“The strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons, because gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


643. I am the first who discovered that the strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons


644. I am the first who discovered that the strong nuclear force is mediated by Gravitons, Dark Photons and Photons, because gluons do not exist




Sunday, October 23, 2022

Gluons do not exist


“The up quark cannot emit a gluon and the down quark cannot emit a gluon, this means gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon and the down quark cannot receive a gluon, this means gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, the Standard Model of particle physics is wrong, because Higgs boson and gluons do not exist and the electron, the quarks are not elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics was a fraud because the Higgs boson does not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“Most of the Nobel Prizes received for the Standard Model of particle physics were frauds”

Adrian Ferent


The Standard Model of particle physics: is the theory describing three fundamental forces excluding gravity and classifying all known elementary particles.

The Standard Model includes 12 elementary particles of spin 1⁄2, known as fermions. 


The Standard Model does not contain any viable dark matter particle.


The eight gluons mediate the strong interactions between quarks.

The theory of quantum chromodynamics describes gluons and their interactions.


The Standard Model also predicted the existence of the Higgs boson, found in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider.

The Higgs boson explains why the other elementary particles, except the photon and gluon, are massive.

The Higgs mechanism is believed to give rise to the masses of the elementary particles in the Standard Model. 


Self-consistency of the Standard Model has not been mathematically proven.


“The 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics was a fraud, because the Higgs boson does not exist”

Adrian Ferent


LIGO is a Fraud because Einstein’s general theory of relativity is wrong.


“Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space”

Adrian Ferent


“The 2017, 2019, 2020 Nobel Prizes in Physics were frauds, because they did not understand Gravitation, Dark Matter and Black Holes”

Adrian Ferent


Gluon is a hypothetical massless subatomic particle believed to transmit the force binding quarks together in a hadron.

Quarks interact by emitting and absorbing gluons, just as electrically charged particles interact through the emission and absorption of photons.


“The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter quark is the Dark Matter inside the quark”

 Adrian Ferent


“I discovered what the electron is, what the quark is, because I discovered what Dark Matter is”

Adrian Ferent


This means in Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG):


“The up quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent




“The up quark cannot emit a gluon and the down quark cannot emit a gluon, this means gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon and the down quark cannot receive a gluon, this means gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, the Standard Model of particle physics is wrong, because Higgs boson and gluons do not exist and the electron, the quarks are not elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“Most of the Nobel Prizes received for the Standard Model of particle physics were frauds”

Adrian Ferent


638. I am the first who discovered that the up quark cannot emit a gluon and the down quark cannot emit a gluon, this means gluons do not exist


639. I am the first who discovered that the up quark cannot receive a gluon and the down quark cannot receive a gluon, this means gluons do not exist


640. I am the first who discovered that gluons do not exist


641. I am the first who discovered that in Ferent Quantum Gravity, the Standard Model of particle physics is wrong, because Higgs boson and gluons do not exist and the electron, the quarks are not elementary particles


642. I am the first who discovered that most of the Nobel Prizes received for the Standard Model of particle physics were frauds




Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The up quark cannot emit a gluon


“The up quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


A proton contains two up quarks and one down quark.


The rest masses of quarks give only about 1% of a proton's mass.

This means the proton's mass is due to quantum chromodynamics binding energy, which includes the kinetic energy of the quarks and the energy of the gluon fields that bind the quarks together.


A gluon is an elementary particle that acts as the exchange particle for the strong force between quarks. It is analogous to the exchange of photons in the electromagnetic force between two charged particles.


The gluons have zero rest mass.


Gluons are vector gauge bosons that mediate strong interactions of quarks in quantum chromodynamics. 

Gluons participate in the strong interaction in addition to mediating it, making quantum chromodynamics harder to analyze than quantum electrodynamics.


The gluon is a vector boson, which means, like the photon, it has a spin of 1.


There are eight independent types of gluon in quantum chromodynamics.


Gluons may be thought of as carrying both color and anticolor.


Gluon is a hypothetical massless subatomic particle believed to transmit the force binding quarks together in a hadron.

Quarks interact by emitting and absorbing gluons, just as electrically charged particles interact through the emission and absorption of photons.


“The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter quark is the Dark Matter inside the quark”

 Adrian Ferent


“I discovered what the electron is, what the quark is, because I discovered what Dark Matter is”

Adrian Ferent


This means in Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG):


“The up quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot emit a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark cannot receive a gluon”

Adrian Ferent


634. I am the first who discovered that the up quark cannot emit a gluon


635. I am the first who discovered that the up quark cannot receive a gluon


636. I am the first who discovered that the down quark cannot emit a gluon


637. I am the first who discovered that the down quark cannot receive a gluon




Monday, September 19, 2022

The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark


“The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter quark is the Dark Matter inside the quark”

 Adrian Ferent


“I discovered what the electron is, what the quark is, because I discovered what Dark Matter is”

Adrian Ferent


You learned that the Standard Model is a theory describing three of the four known fundamental forces, but not the gravitational force, and classifies all known elementary particles.

The electrons, the quarks are elementary particles because they have no known components or substructure.


“I explained Particle physics with Dark Matter from Ferent Quantum Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter electron is the Dark Matter inside the electron”

Adrian Ferent


“Between the Ferent time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s and the Planck time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created the Dark Matter electrons”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particle, made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle, is the Unification between Matter and Dark Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron equation:”

Adrian Ferent


Where Ψ is the wave function of the electron.


“I discovered what the electron is, what the quark is, because I discovered what Dark Matter is”

Adrian Ferent


The Standard Model does not include particles beyond the Planck wall, like Dark Matter particles Dark Photons, Dark Electrons, Dark Quarks, Gravitons…


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s were created Dark Matter, Dark Photons and Gravitons. 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created Matter and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


All the scientists did not understand what the quark is, they did not understand what they did collide in particle accelerators.


What scientists, the Nobel Laureates, your professors… do not understand?

They do not understand Gravitation, Dark Matter, the electron, the quark…

The problem is that the Universities do not payback the money to students for wrong theories like Einstein Gravitation theory, the Standard Model, Cold Dark Matter theory, String theory, Loop Quantum Gravity theory…



“The Standard Model is wrong because the electron, the quark are not an elementary particle, and it does not include Dark Matter particles”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the down quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the up quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter quark is the Dark Matter inside the quark”

 Adrian Ferent


630. I am the first who discovered that the up quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark


631. I am the first who discovered that the down quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark


632. I am the first who discovered that the Dark Matter quark is the Dark Matter inside the quark


633. I am the first who discovered what the electron is, what the quark is, because I discovered what Dark Matter is




Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The energy of the up quark, is the energy of the photon inside the up quark


“The energy of the up quark, is the energy of the photon inside the up quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The energy of the down quark, is the energy of the photon inside the down quark”

Adrian Ferent


The up quark and down quark make up protons and neutrons and are thus the ones observed in ordinary matter.


Strange quarks of various other extremely short-lived subatomic particles that were first observed in cosmic rays, but that play no part in ordinary matter.


“We do not see Dark Matter energy because at light speed the Dark Matter electron energy is not released”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent’s Dark Matter mass-energy equivalence equation: E = md × vp^2”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron energy is the sum of the photon energy and the Dark Matter electron energy”

Adrian Ferent


“The particle energy E, is the sum of Matter energy and Dark Matter energy:

 E = Em + Edm”

Adrian Ferent


”Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation: E=mc^2 + md × vp^2 “

Adrian Ferent


“We do not see Dark Matter energy because at light speed the Dark Matter energy is not released”

Adrian Ferent


Mass–energy equivalence is the relationship between mass and energy in a system's rest frame.


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s were created Dark Matter, Dark Photons and Gravitons. 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created Matter and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles contain Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Dark Matter in electron and positron collision”

Adrian Ferent


DMe is the Dark Matter inside the electron

DMp is the Dark Matter inside the positron


That is why at particle accelerators the scientists do not understand what they collide, because they do not understand what the electron is!


What will happen with the electron at the speed of light?

Not the infinite mass and energy how you learned from your professors!


“The electron at the speed of light it will be broken down into high energy photon and Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent

This means:


“Dark Matter electron can travel Faster Than Light”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron, the down quark and the up quark have close values ​​in terms of charge, mass and have the same spin.

This means they have the same internal structure.”

Adrian Ferent


“The Standard Model is wrong because the electron, the down quark and the up quark are not elementary particle”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the down quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the up quark”

Adrian Ferent


The down quark with the electric charge -e/3, has a bare mass 4.7 MeV/ c^2.

The down quark is an elementary fermion with spin ½.


The up quark with the electric charge 2e/3, is the lightest of all quarks, with a bare mass 2.2 MeV/ c^2.

The up quark is an elementary fermion with spin ½.


The invariant mass of an electron is approximately 0.51 MeV/ c^2.

The electron is an elementary fermion with spin ½.


Mass-energy equivalence equation says that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. 

Mass–energy equivalence equation E=mc^2: anything having Mass has an equivalent amount of Energy and vice versa.


“The up quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


mc^2 = hf


m – up quark mass

f  – photon frequency, inside the up quark


“The energy of the up quark, is the energy of the photon inside the up quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


mc^2 = hf


m – down quark mass

f  – photon frequency, inside the down quark


“The energy of the down quark, is the energy of the photon inside the down quark”

Adrian Ferent


628. I am the first who discovered that the energy of the up quark, is the energy of the photon inside the up quark


629. I am the first who discovered that the energy of the down quark, is the energy of the photon inside the down quark




Monday, August 22, 2022

The up quark is a photon around Dark Matter


The up quark is a photon around Dark Matter


“The electron, the down quark and the up quark have close values ​​in terms of charge, mass and have the same spin.

This means they have the same internal structure.”

Adrian Ferent


“The down quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the down quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the up quark”

Adrian Ferent


An atom is the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element.

An atom is a particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical element. Every atom is composed of a central nucleus that is surrounded by one or more negatively charged electrons.

The nucleus is made of one or more protons and a number of neutrons.


The protons have a positive electric charge, the electrons have a negative electric charge, and the neutrons have no electric charge.


A proton not bound to nucleons or electrons, is a stable subatomic particle with a positive electric charge of +1e elementary charge.

The protons were originally considered elementary particles.

In the modern Standard Model protons are now known to be composite particles.

Protons are composed of two up quarks and one down quark. 

The rest masses of quarks contribute only about 1% of a proton's mass.

There are 12 elementary particles of spin 1⁄2, known as fermions.

There are six quarks and six leptons. 


Because protons are not fundamental particles, they possess a measurable size; the radius of the proton to be 0.8 fm.


The up quark with the electric charge 2e/3, is the lightest of all quarks, with a bare mass 2.2 MeV/c^2.

The up quark is an elementary fermion with spin ½.


Because the bare mass of up quarks is so light, it cannot be straightforwardly calculated because relativistic effects have to be taken into account.


The down quark is the second-lightest of all quarks, and together with the up quark, it forms the neutrons (one up quark, two down quarks) and protons (two up quarks, one down quark) of atomic nuclei.


The down quark with the electric charge -e/3, has a bare mass 4.7 MeV/c^2.

The down quark is an elementary fermion with spin ½.


The invariant mass of an electron is approximately 0.51 MeV/c^2.

The electron is an elementary fermion with spin ½.


Ferent equation for elementary particles.


“The electron, the down quark and the up quark have close values ​​in terms of charge, mass and have the same spin.

This means they have the same internal structure.”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the electron”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The down quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The up quark is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the down quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the up quark”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The Standard Model is wrong because the electron, the down quark and the up quark are not elementary particle”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent energy–momentum equation for a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle.


623. I am the first who discovered that the electron, the down quark and the up quark have close values ​​in terms of charge, mass and have the same spin.

This means they have the same internal structure.


624. I am the first who discovered that the down quark is a photon around Dark Matter


625. I am the first who discovered that the up quark is a photon around Dark Matter


626. I am the first who discovered that the high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the down quark


627. I am the first who discovered that the high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter keep the photon inside the up quark




Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Ferent energy–momentum equation for a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle


“Ferent energy–momentum equation for a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle:”

Adrian Ferent


The energy–momentum relation, or relativistic energy in terms of momentum is the relativistic equation relating total energy, relativistic energy to invariant mass, the rest mass and momentum.

The energy–momentum relation is the extension of mass–energy equivalence for bodies or systems with non-zero momentum.


It can be written as the following equation:


Einstein mass-energy equivalence equation E=mc^2 is wrong because does not contains Dark Matter


‘The Ferent factor is the Lorentz factor where the speed of the photon is replaced by the Dark photon speed”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent’s Dark Matter mass-energy equivalence equation: E = mdvp^2”

Adrian Ferent


Because elementary particles contain Dark Matter:


“The particle energy E, is the sum of Matter energy and Dark Matter energy:

 E = Em + Ed”

Adrian Ferent


”Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation: E=mc^2 + mdvp^2 “

Adrian Ferent


Mass–energy equivalence equation E=mc^2: anything having Mass has an equivalent amount of Energy and vice versa.


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s were created Dark Matter, Dark Photons and Gravitons. 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created Matter and Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles contain Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Dark Matter in electron and positron collision”

Adrian Ferent


DMe is the Dark Matter inside the electron

DMp is the Dark Matter inside the positron


That is why at particle accelerators the scientists do not understand what they collide, because they do not understand what the electron is!


What will happen with the electron at the speed of light?

Not the infinite mass and energy how you learned from your professors!


“The electron at the speed of light it will be broken down into high energy photon and Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“We do not see Dark Matter energy because at light speed the Dark Matter electron energy is not released”

Adrian Ferent


“We do not see Dark Matter energy because at light speed the Dark Matter energy is not released”

Adrian Ferent


In the case of Dark Matter, the Lorentz factor is replaced by the Ferent factor:


The relativistic momentum is the definition of momentum with the mass replaced by the relativistic mass.


The combination pdvp, the relativistic momentum for Dark Matter and Dark photon speed:


This means:

The energy–momentum relation for Dark Matter particle:


Total energy is the sum of rest energy and kinetic energy, while invariant mass is mass measured in a center-of-momentum frame.


Using the energy–momentum relation for each particle:


The energy–momentum relation for Matter particle:


The energy–momentum relation for Dark Matter particle:


This means:


“Ferent energy–momentum equation for a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle:”

Adrian Ferent


622. I am the first who discovered Ferent energy–momentum equation for a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle




Sunday, June 19, 2022

Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field around an electric current, not Special relativity


Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field around an electric current, not Special relativity


“Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field around an electric current”

Adrian Ferent


“In the last 200 years nobody was able to explain why does an electric current produce a circular magnetic field?”

Adrian Ferent


“Inside the wire, moving electrons emits photons (Ferent radiation) with the magnetic field oriented in the same direction, which is the magnetic field around the electric current”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field around an electric current, not Special relativity”

Adrian Ferent


In 1820, Oersted published his discovery that a compass needle was deflected by a nearby electric current, confirming a direct relationship between electricity and magnetism.


An electric current produces a circular magnetic field as it flows through a wire.


“In the last 200 years nobody was able to explain why does an electric current produce a circular magnetic field?”

Adrian Ferent


The electric field and magnetic field are two interrelated aspects of a single object, called the electromagnetic field.

The entire electromagnetic field can be represented in a single rank-2 tensor called the electromagnetic tensor.


You learned wrong things about:

Why does an electric current produces a magnetic field?

It is due to relativistic effect, magnetic field is simply electric field viewed from a different frame of reference!

Magnetism is nothing more than electrostatics combined with special relativity.


“The Aliens do not want to talk to a world that cannot explain why does an electric current produce a magnetic field?”

Adrian Ferent


For free electrons in the wire, the external electric field aligns the electrons magnetic dipoles all in the same direction.

For bounded in atoms electrons the possible alignment depends from the strength of the bounding between the electrons and the nucleus.


It is the electric field that drives the motion of the electrons/charge.

For a current flowing along a straight wire segment, so you line your thumb along it and the curl of your fingers shows the direction of the magnetic field.

For a loop of wire, you curl your fingers in the direction of the current flow in the loop of wire and your thumb shows the direction of the magnetic field.

Electric currents create magnetic fields, which are used in motors, generators, inductors, and transformers. 


 “All physicists, all scientists, all Nobel Laureates, your professors…can not explain the magnetic field.”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field of a moving charge”

Adrian Ferent


“All physicists, all scientists, all Nobel Laureates, your professors…can not explain the magnetic field of a moving charge.”

Adrian Ferent


“Since magnets were discovered 2500 years ago, no one has been able to explain the magnetic field around magnets”

Adrian Ferent


“Magnetic field is Ferent radiation”

Adrian Ferent


“I quantized the Magnetic field with photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Magnetic field is photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron emits photons which carries the magnetic moment properties of the electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron has a magnetic field due to the photon inside the electron”

 Adrian Ferent


“Due to the photon inside the electron, the electron interacts with the electromagnetic field”

Adrian Ferent


For you the spin is an intrinsic property, because all Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors…were not able to explain the "spin ħ/2" of the electron.


I calculated the spin of the electron, the spin ħ/2:


“The Spin of the electron is the Orbital angular momentum of the photon within the electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron has an electric field due to the photon inside the electron”

 Adrian Ferent


I calculated the charge created by the photon inside the electron, e, is the unit of elementary charge.

A rotating electrically charged creates a magnetic dipole. 


For the electron as a charged particle with the angular momentum L, the magnetic dipole moment μ:

The electron magnetic moment is created by a tiny current I traveling around the area A

μ = IA = (qv/2πr)πr^2


            μ = qvr/2 = qL/2m


where:  q = - e


The classical result is corrected by multiplying it with a dimensionless correction factor g.

The electron magnetic moment:


The electron magnetic moment in terms of the Bohr magneton μB:


Spin electron magnetic moment


In quantum mechanics is another kind of angular momentum L, the spin angular momentum, represented by the spin operator S. The spin of the electron is ħ/2.


This means: μS = - 9.2 × 10^(-24) J/T


The z component of the electron magnetic moment


Where mS is the spin quantum number.


Orbital magnetic dipole moment


Total magnetic dipole moment


μ is the total magnetic moment, from both orbital angular momentum and spin of an electron; J = L + S is its total angular momentum.


“All physicists, all scientists, all Nobel Laureates, your professors…can not explain the magnetic field.”

Adrian Ferent


Feynman did not understand Magnetism!


Feynman's point was that we don't know what the mechanism is that creates the actual attract / repel force.


That is why:


“The electron emits electromagnetic waves”

Adrian Ferent


“The photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


I consider a particle with a circular helix trajectory.


 “Ferent radiation: when a particle, Dark Matter particle changes direction emits photons, Dark photons and gravitons”

Adrian Ferent


A helix is a curve in 3-dimensional space.

A circular helix of radius ‘a’ and pitch 2πb is described by the following parameterization:


“For high speed particles, Dark Matter particles, the centripetal force:


g is the Ferent factor”

Adrian Ferent


A centripetal force is a force that makes a body to follow a curved path.


“For the particle to follow its trajectory, the emitted photon pushes the particle with a force higher than the centripetal force”

Adrian Ferent


 “Electric field is Ferent radiation”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravitation is Ferent radiation”

Adrian Ferent


“Magnetic field is Ferent radiation”

Adrian Ferent


“The magnetic field around the magnet is Ferent radiation”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Magnetic fields satisfy the superposition principle; the magnetic field is Ferent radiation.”

Adrian Ferent


H(x) = H1(x) + H2(x)


 “The magnetic fields of the photons emitted by unpaired electrons oriented in the same direction is the magnetic field of the magnet”

Adrian Ferent


The magnetic field of a point charge q moving uniformly on a straight line with velocity υ:


The magnetic field is at a maximum at locations directly perpendicular to the path,

The magnetic field is curling around moving charge’s path.


Ampère's circuital law

The thumb points in the direction of the conventional current (from positive to negative), and the fingers point in the direction of the magnetic lines of flux


The field is pointing into the page and come out of page after 180 degrees.


Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG) explains the magnetic field around the electric current:


“The electrons in a magnet tend to be oriented the same way; the magnetic fields of the photons emitted by electrons are oriented in the same way”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron moves in an electric field or in a magnetic field, this means the electron magnetic dipole stay in the same direction”

Adrian Ferent


 “Moving electron emits photons (Ferent radiation) with the magnetic field oriented in the same direction”

Adrian Ferent


Ampère's circuital law


“The magnetic field of the emitted photons by a moving electron is pointing into the page and come out of page after 180 degrees.”

Adrian Ferent


“The flux of the photons emitted by electron decreases with r squared”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field of a moving charge”

Adrian Ferent


“Magnetic fields satisfy the superposition principle; the magnetic field is Ferent radiation.”

Adrian Ferent


H(x) = H1(x) + H2(x)


For free electrons in the wire, the external electric field aligns the electrons magnetic dipoles all in the same direction.


This means:


The magnetic field around the wire is the superposition of the magnetic field of electrons moving in the same direction.


“Inside the wire, moving electrons emits photons (Ferent radiation) with the magnetic field oriented in the same direction”

Adrian Ferent


“Inside the wire, moving electrons emits photons (Ferent radiation) with the magnetic field oriented in the same direction, which is the magnetic field around the electric current”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field around an electric current”

Adrian Ferent


“All scientists do not understand what they accelerate in particle accelerators; they do not understand particles collision”

Adrian Ferent


For physicists magnetism is nothing more than electrostatics combined with special relativity.


Einstein in his 1905 paper “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”: “The force acting on a body in a magnetic field is nothing else but an electric field.”


“All Nobel Laureates, the scientists, your professors…did not understand the Electric field and the Magnetic field!”

Adrian Ferent


“All physicists, all scientists, all Nobel Laureates, your professors…can not explain the magnetic field of a moving charge.”

Adrian Ferent


“In the last 200 years nobody was able to explain why does an electric current produce a circular magnetic field?”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field around an electric current, not Special relativity”

Adrian Ferent


618. I am the first who discovered that Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field around an electric current


619. I am the first who discovered that in the last 200 years nobody was able to explain why does an electric current produces a circular magnetic field?


620. I am the first who discovered that inside the wire, moving electrons emits photons (Ferent radiation) with the magnetic field oriented in the same direction, which is the magnetic field around the electric current


621. I am the first who discovered that Ferent radiation explains the magnetic field around an electric current, not Special relativity

