Friday, November 3, 2023

Ferent discovered what Antimatter is, what the positron is

 “Ferent discovered what Antimatter is, what the positron is”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Dark Matter (Ferent Matter) between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter electron keep the photon inside the positron”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter electron mass is 2700 times smaller than the positron mass”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron energy is the sum of the photon energy and the Dark Matter electron energy”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron (fermion) is a photon (boson) and a Dark Matter electron (Dark Matter). The Standard Model is wrong”

 Adrian Ferent


Antimatter is defined as matter composed of the antiparticles of the corresponding particles in common matter and can be thought of as matter with reversed charge, parity, and time, known as CPT reversal. 


A collision between any particle and its anti-particle partner leads to their mutual annihilation, giving rise to various proportions of gamma rays, neutrinos and sometimes lighter particle–antiparticle pairs.


The interpretation of the positron:


Dirac wrote a follow-up paper in December 1929 that attempted to explain the unavoidable negative-energy solution for the relativistic electron. He argued that "... an electron with negative energy moves in an external [electromagnetic] field as though it carries a positive charge."


Richard Feynman and Ernst Stueckelberg proposed an interpretation of the positron as an electron moving backward in time, reinterpreting the negative-energy solutions of the Dirac equation. Electrons moving backward in time would have a positive electric charge. 

John Archibald Wheeler invoked this concept to explain the identical properties shared by all electrons, suggesting that "they are all the same electron" with a complex, self-intersecting worldline. 

Yoichiro Nambu said: "the eventual creation and annihilation of pairs that may occur now and then is no creation or annihilation, but only a change of direction of moving particles, from the past to the future, or from the future to the past.”


Positrons are produced in β+ decays of naturally occurring radioactive isotopes and in interactions of gamma rays with matter.


Satellite experiments have found evidence of positrons in primary cosmic rays.


Physicists have used a short, ultra-intense laser to irradiate a millimeter-thick gold target and produce more than 100 billion positrons.


Pair production


Pair production is the creation of a subatomic particle and its antiparticle from a neutral boson.

For example: creating an electron and a positron, a muon and an antimuon, or a proton and an antiproton.


After Rutherford published his results proving the existence of the proton, for decades, the proton was considered an elementary particle.


J.J. Thomson is credited with the discovery of the electron on the basis of his experiments with cathode rays in 1897, various physicists, including William Crookes, Arthur Schuster, Philipp Lenard, and others who had also conducted cathode ray experiments claimed that they deserved the credit. 

Today the electron is considered an elementary particle.


Ferent discovered what the electron is:


“The electron is a photon around Dark Matter”


A high energy photon creates an electron–positron pair near a nucleus.

The energy of the photon is at least the total rest mass energy of the two particles created.


Conservation of energy and momentum are the principal constraints on the process. 

All other conserved quantum numbers (angular momentum, electric charge, lepton number) of the produced particles must sum to zero, the created particles shall have opposite values of each other. 

For example if one particle has electric charge of +1, the positron, the other must have electric charge of −1, the electron.


Photon energy:

E = hf


Photon energy required to make an electron-positron pair:

E = mc^2


E = 2(9.11×10^(-31) kg)(3×10^8 m/s)^2 = 16.4 × 10^(-14) J

E = 1.02 MeV


The wavelength of the photon:  λ = hc / E


It is a gamma ray: λ = 1.21 ×10^(-12) m


Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG):


“I discovered Dark Matter (Ferent Matter) between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


All the scientists said Transparent Matter because they plagiarize each other!


“The electron is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is a photon with energy of 0.51 MeV around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron is a photon with energy of 0.51 MeV around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter electron mass is 2700 times smaller than the electron mass”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter electron mass is 2700 times smaller than the positron mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Dark Matter electron mass is another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is the right Gravitation theory and Einstein’s Gravitation theory, the Standard Model, String theory, LQG…are wrong theories”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravity supplies the necessary centripetal force to hold the photon in orbit around the Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter electron keep the photon inside the electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter electron keep the photon inside the positron”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron energy is the sum of the photon energy and the Dark Matter electron energy”

Adrian Ferent


“The particle energy E is the sum of Matter energy and Dark Matter energy:

 E = Em + Edm”

Adrian Ferent


“Because in Ferent Quantum Gravity the positrons are made of Gamma rays and Dark Matter, is the proof for Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation:

E=mc^2 + mdvp^2“

Adrian Ferent


“The positron (fermion) is a photon (boson) and a Dark Matter electron (Dark Matter). The Standard Model is wrong.”

 Adrian Ferent


“Ferent discovered what Antimatter is, what the positron is”

Adrian Ferent


723. Ferent discovered what Antimatter is, what the positron is


724. I discovered Dark Matter (Ferent Matter) between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!


725. I am the first who discovered that the high energy Gravitons emitted by Dark Matter electron keep the photon inside the positron


726. I am the first who discovered that the Dark Matter electron mass is 2700 times smaller than the positron mass


727. I am the first who discovered that the positron energy is the sum of the photon energy and the Dark Matter electron energy


728. I am the first who discovered that the positron (fermion) is a photon (boson) and a Dark Matter electron (Dark Matter). The Standard Model is wrong

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