Saturday, July 1, 2023

The relativistic mass of the electron, explained

 The relativistic mass of the electron, explained


“The relativistic mass of the electron is h/λc “

Adrian Ferent


“All Nobel laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors…were not able to explain the relativistic mass of the electron, in a particle accelerator”

Adrian Ferent


“The relativistic mass of the electron is:”

Adrian Ferent


“The relativistic mass of the electron is the Planck constant divided by the speed of light multiplied by the wavelength of the photon inside the electron”

Adrian Ferent


The invariant mass is another name for the rest mass of single particles.


The relativistic mass is dependent on the velocity of the observer. 


The relativistic mass, m, is the sum total quantity of energy in a system divided by c^2.


The relativistic mass, m, in the energy formula:


            E= mc^2


For a particle of finite rest mass m0, moving at a speed v, relative to the observer, the relativistic mass formula, m:


The faster the particle moves, the more the weight increases.


If an electron in a cyclotron is moving with a relativistic velocity, the mass of the cyclotron+electron system is increased by the relativistic mass of the electron, not by the electron's rest mass.


What is the electron in Ferent Quantum Gravity?


“Light comes from the electron, in particle colliders, it is the proof that the electron contains a photon”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is a photon around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The Dark Matter electron is the Dark Matter inside the electron”

Adrian Ferent


This is another proof that the electron is not an elementary particle and the Standard Model is wrong.


“The Standard Model is wrong because the electron, the muon, the down quark and the up quark are not elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron has an electric field due to the photon inside the electron”

 Adrian Ferent


“I am the first who explained the wave-particle duality for the electron: the electron is a photon around Dark Matter.”

Adrian Ferent


“In particle accelerator the electron becomes smaller and smaller because the frequency of the photon inside the electron becomes bigger and bigger”

Adrian Ferent


“All the physicists, the greatest scientists, the Nobel Laureates…do Not understand particle collision”

Adrian Ferent


 “The energy of the photon inside the electron, in a particle accelerator, is the relativistic mass of the electron multiplied by the speed of light squared”

Adrian Ferent


“In a particle accelerator the relativistic mass of the electron multiplied by the speed of light squared, is equal to the photon frequency multiplied by Planck constant”

Adrian Ferent


“I explained particle collisions, because I discovered what the electron is”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron (fermion) is a photon (boson) and a Dark Matter electron (Dark Matter). The Standard Model is wrong.”

 Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from all Nobel Laureates, from the greatest scientists, from your professors, from your books…about the Standard Model, the Elementary particles, the Fermions, Matter, Dark Matter is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent’s Golden equation in Ferent Quantum Gravity, unifies Special relativity with Quantum mechanics”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent’s Golden equation, the energy inside the electron in a particle accelerator


“Ferent’s Golden equation:”

Adrian Ferent


Dividing the members of the equation by c^2:


Because c/f = λ


“The relativistic mass of the electron is”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The relativistic mass of the electron is h/λc “

Adrian Ferent


“All Nobel laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors…were not able to explain the relativistic mass of the electron, in a particle accelerator”

Adrian Ferent


“The relativistic mass of the electron is the Planck constant divided by the speed of light multiplied by the wavelength of the photon inside the electron”

Adrian Ferent


699. I am the first who discovered that the relativistic mass of the electron is h/λc


700. I am the first who discovered that the relativistic mass of the electron, is the Planck constant divided by the speed of light multiplied by the wavelength of the photon inside the electron


701. I discovered the relativistic mass of the electron:

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