Monday, January 7, 2019

Ferent equation of the Human body

Ferent equation of the Human body

Ferent equations of the Universe can be applied to any quantum system which contains Matter, Dark Matter and Spiritual Matter. This means Ferent equations of the Universe can be applied to our Milky Way galaxy, to our planet, to human body…

Human body 

The human body is a quantum system composed of Matter, Dark Matter and Spiritual Matter.

Spiritual body

The aura is the energetic field that surrounds the human body as well as every organism and object in the universe.
We see paintings of Christian saints with a circle of white or yellow light around their heads, or angels with their halos; this is the way how people imagined the energetic field of the human body.
In Christianity, the apostle Paul introduced the concept of the spiritual body, (1 Corinthians 15:44), describing the resurrection body as ‘spiritual’. 
The aura is made up of several layers of subtle energy.
The Spiritual body is made of Spiritual Matter evolving in time.

The most general form of the time-dependent Ferent equation of the Human body.

“Ferent equation of the Human body: 

Adrian Ferent

Where:  |Ψ(r,t)> – is the state vector of the Human body
 r and t are the position vector and time 
 h – is the Planck constant
 a – is the Ferent constant
 s – is the Spiritual constant

The Spiritual body is made of Spiritual Matter, composed of S spiritual elementary particles evolving in time.

The time-dependent Ferent equation of the Human body, which gives a description of the Human body as quantum system, made of Matter, P elementary particles, Dark Matter, R elementary particles, and Spiritual Matter, S elementary particles, evolving in time.

“Ferent equation of the Human body: 

Adrian Ferent

Where:  Ψ – the wave function of the Human body
 m1i – the mass of Matter elementary particle i
             m2j – the mass of Dark Matter elementary particle j
 m3k – the mass of Spiritual Matter elementary particle k
             r1P the position of Matter elementary particle P 
             r2R the position of Dark Matter elementary particle R 
             r3S the position of Spiritual Matter elementary particle S 

The solution to the Ferent equations is the wave function:  Ψ.
The information about the quantum system is contained in the solution to Ferent equations, the wave function Ψ. 
The square of the absolute value of the wave function, | Ψ |2 is interpreted as a probability density.

Ferent equations are Deterministic, because if I know the wave function at a moment in time I can determine the wave function later in time.

The clerics are ignorant in science and the scientists are ignorant in spirituality.

That is why science of spirituality is not accepted in universities, in peer-reviewed journals, as Nobel Prize…
Scientists from the Pontifical Academy of Sciences were not able to discover a Transdisciplinarity equation or an equation to link Matter with Spiritual Matter.
The greatest scientists tried to unify Science and Spirituality and to write a Transdisciplinarity equation without success.

It is not easy to understand both Science and Spirituality.
My Father helped me to understand Science and my Mother helped me to understand Spirituality.
I am the first who discovered a Transdisciplinarity equation; the Ferent equation of the Soul.

“Ferent equation of the Soul:

Adrian Ferent

162. I am the first who discovered the Ferent equation of the Human body

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