Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001 percent of the total mass of the Universe


“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned”

Adrian Ferent


“Why is physics awesome?


Because you can demonstrate that the Nobel laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors were stupid!”

Adrian Ferent


 “I am the first who calculated Ferent Matter mass of Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter with the mass of planet Neptune, has a stronger Gravitational field than the Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered the Ferent Photons much Faster Than Light (FTL)”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists… about Dark Matter is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter in Milky Way galaxy has very small mass, less than the mass of planet Neptune, not five times the Milky Way galaxy mass, as you learned from your professors.”

Adrian Ferent


Where is Dark Matter?


“Modern science after Ferent with Ferent Matter explains: the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, Stars formation, the Elementary particles…”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter is in the core of stars and planets”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles contain Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles contain Ferent Matter with the mass much smaller than particles mass, but with much higher energy”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particle, made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Ferent Matter particle, is the Unification between Matter and Ferent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


Matter looks like foam or bubbles in contrast with Ferent matter that is why:


“Sun’s core is Ferent Matter”

 Adrian Ferent


A bigger star contains more Ferent Matter!


“Ferent Matter is matter with density higher than Planck density”

Adrian Ferent


“Matter was created from Ferent Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


How much Dark Matter do stars and planets contain?


“Stars and planets contain Dark Matter in proportion to their mass”

Adrian Ferent


More Dark Matter will attract more matter and will result a bigger Star or a bigger Planet.


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory Supermassive Black Holes have very small mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Dark Photons are faster than light, have higher frequencies than photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Mass–energy equivalence for Dark Matter: E = md × vp^2 “

Adrian Ferent


Where md is the Ferent Matter mass and vp is the Ferent Photons speed.


“The speed of Ferent Photons is vp = 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


You learned from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists…that Supermassive Black Holes have very big mass!


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory Supermassive Black Holes have very small mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Supermassive Black Holes have very small mass: md = m × c^2 / vp^2”

Adrian Ferent


This is impossible in Einstein Gravitation theory, because Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong.


You learned that Milky Way galaxy has a supermassive Black Hole, 4.1 million solar masses, 8.2 × 10^36 kg, at its center, 26000 light-years from the Solar System. 


In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory the mass of this supermassive Black Hole is not 8.2 × 10^36 kg, it is:


md = m × c^2 / vp^2


md = 7.3 × 10^19 kg


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory the mass of supermassive Black Hole from the center of our galaxy is not 8.2 × 10^36 kg, it is 7.3 × 10^19 kg”

Adrian Ferent


The mass of supermassive Black Hole from the center of our galaxy is 7.3 × 10^19 kg, much smaller than the Moon mass.


“I am the first who calculated the mass and the energy of a Black Hole”

Adrian Ferent


“Physics is much more complicated than you learned, with Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


This is another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity theory is right and Einstein Gravitation theory, String theory, LQG… are wrong theories.


Today ordinary Matter, which includes atoms, stars, galaxies… accounts for only 5% of the contents of the Universe and 26% is Dark Matter.

This means Dark Matter accounts for most of the matter in the Universe.

Dark Matter neither emits nor absorbs electromagnetic radiation.

Ordinary Matter is composed of elementary particles.

The way astronomers study Dark Matter is by its gravitational influence on ordinary matter. 

Because 26 percent is constituted of Dark Matter in the Milky Way galaxy, why we were not able to detect Dark Matter?


The mass of the Milky Way galaxy is 1.04× 10^12 solar masses.


Ferent Quantum Gravity theory explains why we were not able to detect Dark Matter in the Milky Way galaxy, in our own Solar system.


The Earth mass is 6× 10^24 kg, the Sun mass is 2× 10^30 kg.


You learned that Dark Matter mass of the Milky Way galaxy is 5 times higher than Milky Way mass; it is 5.2× 10^12 solar masses.


In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory the Dark Matter mass of the Milky Way galaxy is:


md = m × c^2 / vp^2


md = 9.4× 10^25 kg


The mass of planet Neptune is 1.02× 10^26 kg.


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory, Ferent Matter mass of Milky Way galaxy is less than planet Neptune mass.”

Adrian Ferent


“I am the first who calculated Ferent Matter mass of Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent (Dark) Matter has a mass less than the mass of planet Neptune, not five times the mass of Milky Way galaxy.


“Ferent electron mass is 2700 times smaller than the electron mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent quark mass is much smaller than quark mass”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned”

Adrian Ferent


790. I am the first who discovered that Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe


791. I am the first who discovered that Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy


792. I am the first who discovered that Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned


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