Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon”

Adrian Ferent


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


The strong interaction or strong force is a fundamental interaction that confines quarks into proton, neutron and other hadron particles.


At the range of 10^(−15) m the strong force is approximately 100 times as strong as electromagnetism and 10^38 times as strong as gravitation.


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“All the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists…did not understand the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, the electron, the quarks…because they did not understand Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from all Nobel Laureates, from the greatest scientists, from your professors, from your books…about the Big Bang is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Big Bang from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“When the primordial Black Hole reached Ferent Density, Ferent Matter was changed to Ferent photons and then Big Bang started”

Adrian Ferent


“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark”

Adrian Ferent


From the Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation:


E = mc^2 + mdvp^2


Edm = mdvp^2


The speed of the Ferent photon, vp


Newton law of universal gravitation:



F - the force between the masses

G - the gravitational constant

m1 - the first mass;

m2 - the second mass;

r - the distance between the centers of the masses


The Gravitational force is the weakest force.



md1 is the Ferent mass of the quark1.

m1 is the Matter mass of the quark1.


The strong nuclear force:


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The strong nuclear force is mediated by Ferent Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force between Ferent quarks”

Adrian Ferent


In FQG the mass of the Ferent Matter quark: m = mdvp^2 / c^2 


This means:


The strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by (vp^2 / c^2)^2 :


The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by 10^38.


This means (vp^2 / c^2)^2  is 10^38.


For c = 2.99 × 10^8 m/s


The speed of the Ferent photon:


vp = 9.45 × 10^17 m/s


This means:


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is the right Gravitation theory and Einstein’s Gravitation theory, String theory, LQG…are wrong theories.


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that quarks are not elementary particles, gluons do not exist and the Standard Model is wrong.


782. I am the first who discovered that the fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon


783. I am the first who discovered that the fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s



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