Monday, December 11, 2023

Heaven is not cold, because Spiritual Matter does not interact with light


“Heaven is not cold, because Spiritual Matter does not interact with light”

Adrian Ferent


“Heaven is around the Earth”

Adrian Ferent


“Spiritual Matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force”

Adrian Ferent


“Spiritual Matter does not absorb, reflect or emit light”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Dark Matter between the Planck Wall and Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“Spiritual Matter is not Transparent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Spiritual Matter beyond the Spiritual Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“Spiritual Matter does not interact with light”

Adrian Ferent


“People look for Secrets in old and wrong books.

The secrets are in Science, in Ferent Quantum Gravity, not in old and wrong books!”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists, from clerics… about Dark Matter, Matter and God is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


From Albert Einstein:

“I want to know how God created this world, I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts, the rest are details.”


From Michael Faraday:

“The book of nature which we have to read is written by the finger of God.”


Schrödinger studied the Hindu mysticism.


Stephen Hawking wrote: 

‘God does not exist’.


Planck constant ‘h’


Every physical body emits electromagnetic radiation.


Photons are viewed as the carriers of the electromagnetic interaction between electrically charged elementary particles.


The Planck relation connects the photon energy E, with its associated wave frequency f:

E = hf


Planck constant, is a fundamental physical constant characteristic of the mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics. 


In Big Bang cosmology, the Planck era is the earliest stage of the Big Bang, before the time passed was equal to the Planck time, tP, close to 10^(−43) seconds, when physicists believe that the four basic forces of nature, gravity, nuclear strong force, nuclear weak force, and electromagnetic force were combined into a single ‘super’ force...


Planck time = 5.391247×10^(−44) s


Planck's constant ‘h’ is considered a fundamental parameter of the universe.


“Planck gave the world one universe, with Planck’s constant ‘h’”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent constant ‘a’


The value of ‘a’


We have s = h / a

Ferent constant a = h / s


This means Ferent constant:

            a = 1.590511178 × 10^(-76) J·s


Ferent time

Ferent time tF = lF / va = 1.294 × 10^(−86) s


Ferent length: lF = 1.296 × 10^(-69) m


Planck length: lP = 1.616 × 10^(-35) m


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s was created Dark Matter (Ferent Matter). 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s was created Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The quark is composed of a photon and a Dark Matter quark”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Dark Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


“The Stars formed around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from all Nobel Laureates, from the greatest scientists, from your professors, from your books…about the Big Bang is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Big Bang from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“When the primordial Black Hole reached Ferent Density, Dark Matter was changed to Dark photons and then Big Bang started”

Adrian Ferent


“From the primordial Black Hole not all Dark Matter was changed in Matter at Planck time that is why in the Universe 85% is Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


Spiritual constant ‘s’


In Ferent equation of the material and spiritual Universe, there are 3 choices:

s < a < h

a < s < h

a < h < s


The Bible says that God created the heavens and the Earth in six days, Spiritual Matter was before Matter.

Heaven, Saints were first, before Dark Matter.

This means the Saints must have density as Black Holes, how I calculated and this is wrong.


The saints from Heaven in visions look very beautiful, luminous visions…

They are very soft.


This means the Saints are made of Spiritual Matter and have a density much smaller than human body.


Third choice is right, this means a < h < s and the Bible and the Koran are wrong.


“I am the first who discovered that at Ferent wall emerged Dark Matter, after that at Planck wall emerged Matter and after that at Spiritual wall emerged Spiritual Matter.”

Adrian Ferent


“God like Consciousness is Spiritual Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Because a < h < s, Spiritual density ρS < Planck density ρP < Ferent density ρF “

Adrian Ferent


“Because a < h < s, Ferent time tF < Planck time tP < Spiritual time tS “

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Dark Matter and Matter were first, not God”

  Adrian Ferent


“God did not create the Universe, my equations explain”

Adrian Ferent


The greatest scientists tried to unify Science and Spirituality and to write a Transdisciplinarity equation without success.

I am the first who discovered a Transdisciplinarity equation; the Ferent equation of the Soul.


“Ferent equation of the Soul:

Adrian Ferent


The superposition of 7 quantum states multiply by the probability of each state, gives your wave function!


“I am the first who discovered Ferent Evolution Theory (FET) based on Consciousness Evolution;

I am the first who discovered the Soul equation;

I am the first who discovered that Matter was first, not God”

Adrian Ferent


The Universe as a quantum system!

The time-dependent Ferent equation of the Universe, which gives a description of the Universe as quantum system, made of Matter, N elementary particles, Dark Matter, M elementary particles, and Spiritual Matter, L elementary particles, evolving in time.


“Ferent equation of the material and spiritual Universe:”

Adrian Ferent


Where:  Ψ – the wave function of the Universe, material and spiritual

 m1i – the mass of Matter elementary particle i

             m2j – the mass of Dark Matter elementary particle j

 m3k – the mass of Spiritual Matter elementary particle k

             r1N – the position of Matter elementary particle N 

             r2M – the position of Dark Matter elementary particle M 

             r3L – the position of Spiritual Matter elementary particle L 


 “The 2013, 2017, 2019, 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics are frauds because they did not understand Gravitation, Dark Matter and Black Holes”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent gave the world two universes: the Dark Matter universe with Ferent’s constant ‘a’ and the Spiritual universe with Spiritual constant’s’”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Dark Matter between the Planck Wall and Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


This is the proof that Dark Matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force.


This means Dark Matter does not absorb, reflect or emit light, making it extremely hard to spot.


We see only the gravitational effects on visible matter.


“I discovered Dark Matter (Ferent Matter) between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


“Spiritual Matter is not Transparent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Spiritual Matter beyond the Spiritual Wall”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


Spiritual Matter does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation.


“Spiritual Matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force”

Adrian Ferent


“Spiritual Matter does not interact with light”

Adrian Ferent


“Spiritual Matter does not absorb, reflect or emit light”

Adrian Ferent


“There is a local God, there are local Saints and there is a local Heaven in each solar system with intelligent civilizations, because s > h”

Adrian Ferent


Scientists work on theories like Quantum mechanics (QM), Quantum field theory (QFT), Quantum electrodynamics (QED),  Quantum chromodynamics (QCD), String theory, LQG, but they did not understand what the electron is, what the quark is, what Gravity is, what Dark matter is, what Black Hole is, what Magnetism is…!


I discovered Dark Matter (Ferent Matter) and Black Holes, I discovered what the electron is, what the quark is, I explained Gravity with Ferent Quantum Gravity, I explained the relativistic mass, time contraction, how the stars formed around Dark Matter, I explained magnetism...


“What you learned from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists, from clerics… about Dark Matter, Matter and God is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


In the Bible, Heaven is where God resides, rather than a place of eternal life.


In Ferent Quantum Gravity:


“Heaven is around the Earth”

Adrian Ferent


Because Heaven is around the Earth, how cold is there?

Heaven is not cold, because Spiritual Matter does not absorb, reflect or emit light.


“Heaven is not cold, because Spiritual Matter does not interact with light”

Adrian Ferent


“People look for Secrets in old and wrong books.

The secrets are in Science, in Ferent Quantum Gravity, not in old and wrong books!”

Adrian Ferent


742. I am the first who discovered that Heaven is not cold, because Spiritual Matter does not interact with light


743. I am the first who discovered that Heaven is around the Earth


744. I am the first who discovered that Spiritual Matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force


745. I am the first who discovered that Spiritual Matter does not interact with light


746. I am the first who discovered that Spiritual Matter does not absorb, reflect or emit light


747. I discovered Dark Matter between the Planck Wall and Ferent Wall


748. I am the first who discovered that Spiritual Matter is not Transparent Matter


749. I discovered Spiritual Matter beyond the Spiritual Wall


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