Monday, April 11, 2022

Black Hole is Dark Matter that emits Gravitons that change Matter into Dark Matter


“Black Holes emit Gravitons with negative momentum”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Hole is Dark Matter that emits Gravitons that change Matter into Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


You learned wrong things about Black Holes, based on Einstein’s general relativity, a wrong Gravitation theory:

A Black Hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from it.

The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. The boundary of no escape is called the event horizon.


Another wrong theory: quantum field theory in curved spacetime predicts that event horizons emit Hawking radiation. 


All scientists, all Nobel Laureates, your professors… did not understand Black Holes.


In Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG):


“Ferent’s Universe is Big Crunch and Big Bang oscillation from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“A Big Crunch followed by a Big Bang is Big Bounce, from Ferent Wall.

Ferent’s Universe follows an endless series of oscillations Big Bounce, each begins with a Big Bang and end with a Big Crunch.”

Adrian Ferent


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s were created Dark matter and Dark photons, with the speed of the Dark photons v = 1.001762 × 10^17 m/s. 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created Matter and Photons, with the speed of the Photons c = 2.99792 × 10^8 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


“It is not possible to have a Big Bounce from the Planck Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“Black holes are Dark Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


“Matter was created from Dark Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


“Gravitation is Ferent radiation”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravitons with highest energy are emitted by Black Holes”

Adrian Ferent


“From the primordial Black Hole not all Dark Matter was changed in Matter at Planck time that is why in the Universe 85% is Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


 “Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space”

Adrian Ferent


“8 years ago I was the first who went beyond the Planck wall and I discovered the Ferent wall and Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“How the Photon was created in Ferent Quantum Gravity:

The result of the interaction between Dark photon and Graviton, is the increase in amplitude and the decrease in speed for Dark photon, and the Photon was created”

Adrian Ferent


The Universe as a quantum system!

The time-dependent Ferent equation of the Universe, which gives a description of the Universe as a quantum system, made of Matter, N elementary particles, and Dark Matter, M elementary particles, evolving in time.


 “I am the first who discovered how the Universe evolved from Ferent Wall to Planck Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Dark Matter between the Ferent Wall and the Planck Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“After I discovered Dark Matter, I discovered what Black Holes are, I discovered how the stars formed, I discovered the Big Bang and Big Crunch oscillation, I discovered what the Electron is …”

Adrian Ferent


Dark Photons are Dark Matter particles.


What is Dark Matter in Ferent Quantum Gravity?

At Ferent wall were created Dark Matter and Gravitons.


“Black holes are Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


What is Ferent Matter?


Ferent density ≥ Ferent matter density > Planck density


8.94 × 10^181 kg/m3 ≥ Dark Matter density > 5.155 × 10^96 kg/m3


“Dark Matter has the density between Ferent density and Planck density”

Adrian Ferent


The majority of Ferent Matter is the core of the supermassive Black hole, in the center of each galaxy. Ferent Matter plays a central role in galaxy formation and evolution.


I am the first who explained what Black holes are: Black holes are Ferent matter


I am the first who discovered that the majority of Dark matter is in the supermassive Black holes


I am the first who discovered another wall, the Ferent wall, beyond the Planck wall


“Dark Matter is in my Gravitation theory, not in Einstein’s gravitation theory, String theory, LQG…”

Adrian Ferent


“The properties of Ferent Matter are the properties of Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Dark Matter is Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


This is another proof that my Gravitation theory is right and Einstein’s gravitation theory, String theory, LQG… are wrong theories.


I calculated the speed of Ferent Particles created at Ferent Wall!


From this equation the speed of Ferent Particles is vp = 1.001762 × 10^17 m/s much faster than the speed of light!


“The speed of Dark Photons is vp = 1.001762 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


You learned from your professors, from your books that nothing can travel faster than light.


“Gravitons and Dark Photons are faster than light”

 Adrian Ferent


“The 2017, 2019, 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics are frauds because they did not understand Gravitation, Dark Matter and Black Holes”

Adrian Ferent


Einstein: Gravitation is acceleration and geometry, without gravitons.

Ferent: Gravitation is a force mediated by gravitons.


“The momentum of a Graviton is negative”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes emit Gravitons with negative momentum”

Adrian Ferent


What is a Black Hole?


“Black Hole is Dark Matter that emits Gravitons that change Matter into Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


603. I am the first who discovered that Black Holes emit Gravitons with negative momentum


604. I am the first who discovered that Black Hole is Dark Matter that emits Gravitons that change Matter into Dark Matter


Friday, April 1, 2022

How the atom absorbs a photon


How the atom absorbs a photon


“The dipole atom is the volume inside the atom, between electron and proton with the largest number of photons per unit volume”

Adrian Ferent


“The dipole atom has the largest number of photons per unit volume, positive photons emitted by proton and negative photons emitted by electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The absorbed photon is split by the dipole atom in the negative photon and the positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


“The flux of photons inside the dipole atom split the absorbed photon”

Adrian Ferent


What you learned from all scientists, all Nobel Laureates, your professors, your books…how the atom absorbs a photon is wrong.


You learned that the electrons have to jump within the atom, quantum jump, so the electron moves to a different orbital as they either gain or lose energy.


Why is this wrong theory?

The electron is very small and it is not easy for a photon to ‘hit’ an electron.


An atom changes from a ground state to an excited state by taking on energy from its surroundings in a process called absorption.

The excited state atom eventually returns to the ground state.


When a photon is absorbed by an electron, its energy, momentum and angular momentum are transferred to the electron.

When an atom absorbs a photon, the energy of that photon can excite one of that atom’s electrons to a higher energy level.

Once the electron is in higher energy level, it is in a more unstable position than it was when it was in its ground state. The electron will quickly fall back down to the lower energy level and emits a photon with an energy equal to the difference in energy levels.

By examining the colors of light emitted by a particular atom, we can identify that element based upon its emission spectrum. 


Absorption of a photon by hydrogen atom, explained by Ferent Quantum Gravity (FQG):


“The electron is a photon with energy of 0.511 MeV around Dark Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The Spin of the electron is the Orbital angular momentum of the photon within the electron”

Adrian Ferent


I consider a particle with a circular helix trajectory.


“When a particle changes direction emits photons and gravitons”

Adrian Ferent


A centripetal force is a force that makes a body to follow a curved path.


“For the particle to follow its trajectory, the emitted photon pushes the particle with a force higher than the centripetal force”

Adrian Ferent


A helix is a curve in 3-dimensional space.

A circular helix of radius ‘a’ and pitch 2πb is described by the following parameterization:


“For high speed particles, Dark Matter particles, the centripetal force:


g is the Ferent factor”

Adrian Ferent


 “Electric field is Ferent radiation”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron has an electric field due to the photon inside the electron”

 Adrian Ferent


“The electron has a magnetic field due to the photon inside the electron”

 Adrian Ferent


“The photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


“The negative photon is emitted by electron and has a negative electric field”

Adrian Ferent


“The positive photon is emitted by the proton and has the positive electric field”

Adrian Ferent


“The negative photon carries the electric charge properties and the magnetic moment properties of the electron”

Adrian Ferent


 “Inside the photon, the negative photon and the positive photon have the same frequency”

Adrian Ferent


“I explained the double-slit experiment because I discovered what the photon is: the photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


Giving the electron energy will increase the amount of energy in atom.


All scientists, all Nobel Laureates, your professors…can not explain how the atom absorbs a photon.


The study of the emission and absorption spectra of atoms was essential to the development of a successful theory of atomic structure.



Two wave sources are coherent if their frequency and their waveform are identical.

Two waves are said to be coherent if they have a constant relative phase. .

Coherence enables interference of the stationary waves.


The hydrogen atom has a single electron and a single proton.


An electric dipole system is a pair of electric charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign separated by some typically small distance.


In Ferent Quantum Gravity I consider the hydrogen atom as an electric dipole:


“The hydrogen atom as an electric dipole: the electron with charge −e and the proton with charge +e separated by a distance d.”

Adrian Ferent


“When the atom absorbs a photon, the electron gains energy and the proton gains energy”

Adrian Ferent


“The positive photon is absorbed by proton and has a positive electric field”

Adrian Ferent


“The negative photon is absorbed by electron and has a negative electric field”

Adrian Ferent


What scientists did not understand?


“Protons have a mass 1836 times that of the electron, that is why the scientists considered that only the electron transits between states and did not look at the atom as an Electric dipole”

Adrian Ferent


The question:

How the photon will interact with the electron, because the electron is very small?


You learned from your professors:

Each orbital has a specific energy associated with it and for an electron to be boosted to an orbital with a higher energy, it must overcome the difference in energy between the orbital it is in, and the orbital to which it is going. This means the electron must absorb a photon that contains precisely that amount of energy.


“All Nobel Laureates did not understand how the atom absorbs a photon”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity the photon is absorbed by the atom as a dipole”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity the photon is absorbed by the dipole not by the electron, the interaction between atom and photon has greater probability than the interaction between electron and photon”

Adrian Ferent


“The photon is absorbed by the atom not by the electron”

Adrian Ferent


Physicists do not understand the atom as dipole, and they say:


“This is a wavelength problem. Atoms are too small for being L/4 dipoles for i.e. 500 nm waves.”

The electric field of the incoming wave pushes the electrons in the rods back and forth, charging the ends alternately positive and negative.

My answer: In a dipole antenna free electrons move, in a dipole atom photons move!


What is the dipole inside the atom?


“The dipole atom is the volume inside the atom, between electron and proton with the largest number of photons per unit volume”

Adrian Ferent


“The dipole atom has the largest number of photons per unit volume, positive photons emitted by proton and negative photons emitted by electron”

Adrian Ferent


How the atom absorbs a photon:


“The absorbed photon is split by the dipole atom in the negative photon and the positive photon”

Adrian Ferent


“The flux of photons inside the dipole atom split the absorbed photon”

Adrian Ferent


“The photon is the superposition of a negative photon and a positive photon; the atom absorbs the photon as a dipole, the negative photon is absorbed by electron and the positive photon is absorbed by proton”

Adrian Ferent


599. I am the first who discovered that the dipole atom is the volume inside the atom, between electron and proton with the largest number of photons per unit volume


600. I am the first who discovered that the dipole atom has the largest number of photons per unit volume, positive photons emitted by proton and negative photons emitted by electron


601. I am the first who discovered that the absorbed photon is split by the dipole atom in the negative photon and the positive photon


602. I am the first who discovered that the flux of photons inside the dipole atom split the absorbed photon