Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Ferent equation for elementary particles

“Ferent equation for elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent

“Ferent equation for elementary particle, made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle, is the Unification between Matter and Dark Matter!”
Adrian Ferent

“Ferent equation for Dark Matter particle of the elementary particle:”
Adrian Ferent

The most general form is the time-dependent Ferent equation, which gives a description of a quantum system made of Matter and Dark Matter evolving in time.

“Unification between Matter and Dark Matter:”
Adrian Ferent

|Ψ(r,t)> - is the state vector of the quantum system
r and t are the position vector and time 
h – is the Planck constant
a - is the Ferent constant

This equation describes the changes over time of an elementary particle as quantum systems.

“The elementary particles contain Dark Matter”
Adrian Ferent

“Ferent time-dependent equation for Dark Matter particles:”
Adrian Ferent

The nonrelativistic time-dependent Ferent equation for the wave function, of a single Dark Matter particle moving in a potential V(r,t).
The wave function is the most complete description that can be given of a quantum system.

Because the elementary particles contain Dark Matter particles, I consider each elementary particle as a quantum system made of 2 equations:

The total energy equals kinetic energy plus potential energy of the dark matter particles.

The equation for Matter of the elementary particle:

Where Ψ(r,t) is the wave function, m1 is Matter mass, V is the potential energy.

“Ferent equation for Dark Matter particle of the elementary particle:”
Adrian Ferent

Where m2 is Dark Matter mass.

The equation for an elementary particle made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle, is the Ferent equation for elementary particle as a quantum system:

“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent

“Ferent equation for elementary particle, made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle, is the Unification between Matter and Dark Matter!”
Adrian Ferent

153. I am the first who discovered the Ferent equation for elementary particles

154. I am the first who explained that Ferent equation for elementary particle, made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Dark Matter particle, is the Unification between Matter and Dark Matter!

155. I am the first who discovered the Ferent equation for Dark Matter particle of the elementary particle

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