Sunday, September 30, 2018

The elementary particles contain Dark Matter

“The elementary particles contain Dark Matter”
Adrian Ferent

“The photons contain Dark Matter”
Adrian Ferent

“I unified Electromagnetism and Gravity with Ferent equation for the energy of a photon E = h × f + a × f ”
Adrian Ferent

Where: h – is the Planck constant
             a – is the Ferent constant

In this equation the Dark Matter term is a × f , this means the photons contain Dark Matter.

“The photons contain Dark Matter”
Adrian Ferent

Because of mass-energy equivalence, the rest energy of a particle it is E = mc^2, and because the photons contains Dark Matter this imply that all the particles contain Dark Matter.

Because all the elementary particles have Gravitational Field, this means all of them have a Dark Matter component in their equations, this means all the elementary particles contain Dark Matter.

“The elementary particles contain Dark Matter”
Adrian Ferent

 “Black holes are Dark Matter”
Adrian Ferent

Physicists today plagiarize my Gravitation theory, all of them say: ‘Black holes are Dark matter’, stolen from my Gravitation theory.
The  Physicists do not know what is Dark Matter, but they know that ‘Black holes are Dark matter’; it is amazing how far can go the plagiarism today!

This equation unify Matter with Dark Matter!

101. I am the first who discovered that all the elementary particles contain Dark Matter

102. I am the first who unified Matter with Dark Matter

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