Sunday, July 29, 2018

The size of the Universe and the speed of the Gravitons

“The diameter of the universe D:
            D = 2 × 13.8 × v

where v is the Gravitons speed”
Adrian Ferent

“The diameter of the universe D = 9.2 × 10^9 billion light-years, much bigger than 93 billion light-years how you learned from your professors, from your books”
Adrian Ferent

“The universe is a sphere with a diameter of 9.2 × 10^9 billion light-years”
Adrian Ferent

The age of the universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years.

We know that parts of the universe are too far away for the light emitted since the Big Bang to have had enough time to reach Earth and so lie outside the observable universe.

The expansion rate of the universe is accelerating due to dark energy.
What is dark energy?

“Dark Energy is Gravitons”
                                        Adrian Ferent

What you learned from your professors about the size of the universe:
The universe doesn’t expand at a particular speed, it expands at a speed per distance. 
Light and objects within spacetime cannot travel faster than the speed of light, this limitation does not restrict the metric itself. 
A metric defines the concept of distance, by stating in mathematical terms how distances between two nearby points in space are measured, in terms of the coordinate system. 

Diameter of the observable universe is 93 Gly
From Earth to the edge of the observable universe the comoving distance is about 46.5  billion light-years.

Anyway nothing in the universe can travel faster than light.

In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory Gravitons travel faster than light.

“I quantized the gravitational field with gravitons”
   Adrian Ferent

“Gravitational waves are carried by gravitons”
Adrian Ferent

“During the Big Bang first emerged the gravitational force with the speed of the gravitons:   v = 1.001762 × 10^17 m / s”
Adrian Ferent

Gravitons speed is v = 1.001762 × 10^17 m/s, how I explained in my Gravitation theory close to the speed of light squared.

“The diameter of the universe D:
            D = 2 × 13.8 × v

where v is the Gravitons speed”
Adrian Ferent

This means:
D = 2 × 13.8 × 1.001762 × 10^17
D = 9.2 × 10^9 billion light-years

“The diameter of the universe D = 9.2 × 10^9 billion light-years, much bigger than 93 billion light-years how you learned from your professors, from your books”
Adrian Ferent

The size of the universe:

“The universe is a sphere with a diameter of 9.2 × 10^9 billion light-years”
Adrian Ferent

“Einstein, Hilbert General Relativity theory, String theory, LQG, all Quantum gravity theories are incorrect because are limited to the speed of light”
Adrian Ferent

89. I am the first who calculated the size of the universe, a sphere with a diameter of 9.2 × 10^9 billion light-years

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