Monday, June 11, 2018

Moon and Earth gravitational interaction explained with Gravitons

“I explained the Gravitational force between Earth and Moon, mediated by Gravitons”
Adrian Ferent

Distance from the center of the earth to the center of the moon is 384,400,000 m 
Gravitational force between Moon and Earth: 1.9 × 10^20 N

The gravitational potential energy between Moon and Earth: 7.6 × 10^28 J

What is the energy of the Gravitons emitted by the Moon?
I calculated before that the frequency of the Gravitons emitted by Earth must be smaller than: ν  < 4.176×10^56 Hz

I consider the Moon made of electrons.
The Moon is made of 8 × 10^52 electrons

Each electron emits a Graviton.
The energy of each Graviton: 9.5 × 10^(-25) J

Graviton energy:  a×f

This means the frequency of the Gravitons emitted by the Moon: 5.9 × 10^51 Hz

I calculated before that the frequency of the Gravitons emitted by Earth, Moon must be smaller than: ν  < 4.176×10^51 Hz

This is another proof that Ferent Gravitation theory is right!

One argument against my Gravitation theory was that the Gravitons are too small to mediate the gravitational force between planets.

“I explained the Gravitational force between Earth and Moon, mediated by Gravitons”
Adrian Ferent

You learned from Einstein gravitation theory, from your professors that Gravitation is caused by the spacetime curvature.
There are also waves of the spacetime curvature, the gravitational waves.

This is another proof that Ferent gravitation theory is right and Einstein gravitation theory, String theory, LQG… are wrong theories.

The massless Gravitons have infinite range:

“Gravitons mediate the Gravitational force between planets, between stars, between galaxies…”
Adrian Ferent

“Because the graviton flux emitted by the Earth is bigger than the graviton flux emitted by the Moon, the Earth attracts with greater force the Moon, than the Moon attracts the Earth”
Adrian Ferent

“Because the Earth attracts with greater force the Moon, than the Moon attracts the Earth, Newton’s third law is wrong”
Adrian Ferent

80. I am the first who explained Moon and Earth gravitational interaction with Gravitons

81. I am the first who explained because the graviton flux emitted by the Earth is bigger than the graviton flux emitted by the Moon, the Earth attracts with greater force the Moon, than the Moon attracts the Earth

82. I am the first who explained because the Earth attracts with greater force the Moon, than the Moon attracts the Earth, Newton’s third law is wrong

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