Friday, March 9, 2018

Gravitation. My Discoveries

"The value of your brain is given by your discoveries"
                                                  Adrian Ferent

Couple of my discoveries:

1. I am the first who discovered a new quantum theory which breaks the wall of Planck

2. I am the first who Quantized the Gravitational Field

3. I am the first who explained what Black holes are: Black holes are Ferent matter

4. I am the first who discovered that the majority of dark matter is in the core of the supermassive black holes

5. I am the first who discovered another wall, the Ferent wall, beyond the Planck wall

6. I am the first who discovered Graviton energy: E = aν

7. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons are faster than light

8. I am the first who discovered that Gravitational waves are Gravitons

9. I am the first who explained that Einstein's equivalence principle is wrong

10. I am the first who explained in the last 100 years that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity is wrong, because Einstein's equivalence principle is wrong

11. I am the first who explained that Gravitational field lines are gravitons

12. I am the first who replaced Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle with Ferent Uncertainty Principle

13. I am the first who discovered that String theory, LQG… are wrong theories, because it is wrong to Unify Einstein's Gravitation theory with Quantum Mechanics when Einstein's Gravitation theory is wrong

14. I am the first who discovered that Gravitational field is not continuous and differentiable function, how you learned from your professors in the last 200 years

15. I am the first who discovered that Dark Energy is Gravitons

16. I am the first who explained Gravitational Radiation

17. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons with highest energy are emitted by Black holes

18. I am the first who explained the lack of extraterrestrial civilizations

19. I am the first who calculated the Gravitons frequency emitted by a planet, by Earth:
ν  <  4.176×1056 Hz

20. I am the first who calculated the Gravitons energy emitted by a Black hole:
            E > 4.14559 × 105 GeV

21. I am the first who discovered that there are not extraterrestrial civilizations in the center of our galaxy

22. I am the first who explained that the Earth attracts with greater force the Moon, than the Moon attracts the Earth

23. I am the first who explained how to understand Gravity in the frame of quantum mechanics

24. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons kill people

25. I am the first who explained the Gravitational redshift with Gravitons

26. I am the first who explained the Gravitational lensing with Gravitons

27. I am the first who discovered the equation for photon – graviton interaction:

                           E = h × f + a × f - a × ν

28. I am the first who explained that the momentum of the graviton is negative:

 p = - m × v

29. I am the first who explained that Mass does not bend space

30. I am the first who explained that Mass does not bend time

31. I am the first who explained that Gravitational time dilation is caused by negative momentum, negative energy

32. I am the first who calculated the speed of the Gravitons:
            va = 1.001762 ×1017 m/s

33. I am the first who discovered that it is not possible to have a Big Bounce from the Planck scale

34. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons kill aliens

35. I am the first who discovered that Gravitational field is Gravitons

36. I am the first who discovered that Gravitational force is mediated by gravitons faster than the speed of light, with negative momentum

37. I am the first in the last 100 years who explained that Einstein's Gravitation theory is wrong and Einstein's Gravitational waves do not exist

38. I am the first who explained the power density and the graviton flux

39. I am the first who discovered the force function for finite speed of the gravitons, the  Ferent gravitational force function

40. I am the first who discovered that a black hole attracts with greater force a planet, than the planet attracts the black hole

41. I am the first who explained that Newton's third law is wrong

42. I am the first who discovered that the Gravitational waves have their energy contained in gravitons

43. I am the first who explained Gravitation with high speed gravitons   v = 1.001762 × 1017 m/s, with Negative Momentum, Negative Relativistic Mass and Negative Energy

44. I am the first who discovered that Gravitons must be Faster than Light (FTL)

45. I am the first who discovered the Ferent length, much smaller than the Planck length

46. I am the first who discovered the Ferent frequency much higher than the Planck frequency

47. I am the first who discovered because Gravitational Radiation is the most penetrating radiation, cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body

48. I am the first who discovered the equation for an elementary particle which emits a graviton:

49. I am the first who discovered the Ferent wave equation of the graviton:

50. I am the first who discovered: Quantum Gravity Theory (QGT)

“Nobody in lectures say ‘I discovered these things’, that is why nobody understands what the contributions to the lecture by the speaker are!”
 Adrian Ferent

“Your quotations are the CV of your wisdom”
                                                   Adrian Ferent

“I discovered a new Gravitation theory, a new Evolution theory and Transdisciplinarity equations!”
Adrian Ferent

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