Monday, October 7, 2024

If God has Gravity, a Black Hole will eat God


“If God has Gravity, a Black Hole will eat God”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spiritual Matter has Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


“God has Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


My Birthday Article!


I wrote a book ‘I am Creating God’, discovered the Ferent universe with the Ferent constant ’a’, explained the Spiritual universe with the Spiritual constant ’s’ and found a way to unify them.


“Planck gave the world one universe. Ferent gave the world two universes”

Adrian Ferent


“Planck gave the world one universe, with Planck’s constant ‘h’”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent gave the world two universes: the Ferent universe with Ferent’s constant ‘a’ and the Spiritual universe with Spiritual constant’s’”

Adrian Ferent


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s were created Ferent Photons. 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“There are 3 walls in our Universe: the Ferent wall with the constant ‘a’, the Planck wall with the constant ‘h’ and the Spiritual wall with the constant ‘s’.”

Adrian Ferent


“In our Universe at Ferent wall emerged Ferent Matter, at Planck wall emerged Matter and at Spiritual wall emerged Spiritual Matter.”

Adrian Ferent


Planck constant ‘h’


Planck's law describes the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium, at a definite temperature.


Photons are viewed as the carriers of the electromagnetic interaction between electrically charged elementary particles.


Planck was able to calculate the value of ‘h’ from experimental data on black-body radiation: his result, 6.55×10^(−34) Js, very close of the currently defined value.


The Planck relation connects the photon energy E, with its associated wave frequency f:

E = hf


The Planck constant:

h = 6.62607×10^(−34) Js


Planck constant, is a fundamental physical constant characteristic of the mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics. 


In Big Bang cosmology, the Planck era is the earliest stage of the Big Bang, before the time passed was equal to the Planck time, tP, close to 10^(−43) seconds, when physicists believe that the four basic forces of nature, gravity, nuclear strong force, nuclear weak force, and electromagnetic force were combined into a single ‘super’ force...


Planck time = 5.391247×10^(−44) s


Planck's constant ‘h’ is considered a fundamental parameter of the universe.


“Planck gave the world one universe, with Planck’s constant ‘h’”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent constant ‘a’


The value of ‘a’


Ferent constant a = h / s


This means Ferent constant:


a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J·s


Ferent time tF = lF / va = 1.294 × 10^(−86) s


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s were created Ferent Photons. 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created Photons”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“The electron is a photon around Ferent electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron is a photon around Ferent electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark”

Adrian Ferent


 “Black Holes are Ferent Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


“The Stars formed around Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from all Nobel Laureates, from the greatest scientists, from your professors, from your books…about the Big Bang is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Big Bang from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“When the primordial Black Hole reached Ferent Density, Ferent Matter was changed to Ferent photons and then Big Bang started”

Adrian Ferent


“Only with Ferent Matter is possible the oscillation Big Bang and Big Crunch”

Adrian Ferent


“It is not possible to have a Big Bounce from the Planck Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“At the end of Big Crunch all Black Holes will collapse into a primordial Black Hole. This will be the end of the Universe”

Adrian Ferent


“The Big Bang and Big Crunch oscillation, from Ferent wall not from Planck wall”

  Adrian Ferent


Spiritual constant ‘s’


In Ferent equation of the material and spiritual Universe, there are 3 choices:

s < a < h

a < s < h

a < h < s


1. The Bible says that God created the heavens and the Earth in six days, Spiritual Matter was before Matter.

Heaven, Saints were first, before Ferent Matter.


The saints from Heaven in visions look very beautiful, luminous visions…

They are very soft.


This means the Saints are made of Spiritual Matter and have a density much smaller than human body.


Third choice is right, this means a < h < s and the Bible and the Koran are wrong.


“God like Consciousness is Spiritual Matter.”

Adrian Ferent


“Because a < h < s, Spiritual density ρS < Planck density ρP < Ferent density ρF “

Adrian Ferent


“Because a < h < s, Ferent time tF < Planck time tP < Spiritual time tS “

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Ferent Matter and Matter were first, not God”

 Adrian Ferent


“God did not create the Universe, my equations explain”

Adrian Ferent


The greatest scientists tried to unify Science and Spirituality and to write a Transdisciplinarity equation without success.


I am the first who discovered a Transdisciplinarity equation; the Ferent equation of the Aura.


“Ferent equation of the Aura

Adrian Ferent


The superposition of 7 quantum states multiply by the probability of each state, gives your wave function!


“I am the first who discovered Ferent Evolution Theory (FET) based on Consciousness Evolution;

I am the first who discovered the Aura equation;

I am the first who discovered that Ferent Matter and Matter were first, not God”

Adrian Ferent


The Universe as a quantum system!

The time-dependent Ferent equation of the Universe, which gives a description of the Universe as quantum system, made of Matter, N elementary particles, Ferent Matter, M elementary particles, and Spiritual Matter, L elementary particles, evolving in time.


“Ferent equation of the material and spiritual Universe:”

Adrian Ferent


Where:  Ψ – the wave function of the Universe, material and spiritual


“The 2013, 2017, 2019, 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics are frauds because they did not understand Gravitation, Ferent Matter and Black Holes”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent gave the world two universes: the Ferent universe with Ferent’s constant ‘a’ and the Spiritual universe with Spiritual constant’s’”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


“I quantized the Gravitational field with Ferent photons”

 Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Ferent Matter and emit Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“If God has Gravity, a Black Hole will eat God”

Adrian Ferent


“God is Spiritual Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spiritual Matter has Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“God has Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


796. I am the first who discovered that if God has Gravity, a Black Hole will eat God


797. I am the first who discovered that in Ferent Quantum Gravity, Spiritual Matter has Gravity


798. I am the first who discovered that God has Gravity


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity


“Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


“I quantized the Gravitational field with Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Ferent Matter and emit Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


Quantum Gravity is a physical theory, still ‘under construction’ after over 100 years, incorporating both the principles of General relativity and Quantum theory. 


Our understanding of physics is far from complete.


On small scales, we have the theory of quantum mechanics. A paradigm of quantum mechanics is the Standard Model, which explains many of the smallest particles and how they behave.

On large scales, the most important force governing objects is Gravity, described by General relativity.


Quantum Gravity is expected to be able to provide a satisfactory description of the microstructure of spacetime at the so-called Planck scale, at which all fundamental constants of the ingredient theories, c the speed of light, h Planck’s constant and G the gravitational constant, come together to form units of mass, length, and time.


General relativity, describes gravitation as the curvature of spacetime by matter and energy, a quantization of gravity implies some sort of quantization of spacetime geometry: quantum spacetime.


String theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by objects called strings.


Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is an attempt to develop a quantum theory of gravity based directly on Einstein’s geometric formulation rather than the treatment of gravity as a force.


“The Standard Model is wrong because the electron, the muon, the down quark and the up quark are not elementary particles”

Adrian Ferent


“Einstein’s General Relativity is a wrong theory, this means String theory and Loop quantum gravity are a wrong theory”

Adrian Ferent


 “Ferent Matter has another Structure, based on Ferent length lF = 1.296 × 10^(-69) m much smaller than Planck length lP = 1.616199×10^(-35) m”

Adrian Ferent


“Quantum Mechanics can't explain Gravity, because nobody understands Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


The existence of gravitational radiation, with the direct detection of Gravitational waves by LIGO.


LIGO is a $1 Billion Fraud and a Nobel Prize Fraud!


“Newton and Einstein did not understand Gravitation, they calculated Gravitation”

Adrian Ferent


“Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Universe between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent constant ‘a’


“Ferent constant a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J·s”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent constant a = h / s


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 10^9 times the speed of light.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s were created Ferent Photons. 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s were created Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravitational force is mediated by Ferent photons faster than the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


“I quantized the Gravitational field with Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Gravitational field is Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Ferent Matter and emit Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“All the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists…did not understand the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, the electron, the quarks…because they did not understand Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from all Nobel Laureates, from the greatest scientists, from your professors, from your books…about the Big Bang is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Big Bang from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“When the primordial Black Hole reached Ferent Density, Ferent Matter was changed to Ferent photons and then Big Bang started”

Adrian Ferent


“The electron is a photon around Ferent electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron is a photon around Ferent electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark”

Adrian Ferent


From the Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation:


E = mc^2 + mdvp^2


Edm = mdvp^2


The speed of the Ferent photon, vp


The Gravitational force is the weakest force.


The strong nuclear force:


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The Strong nuclear force is mediated by Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force between Ferent quarks”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


In FQG the mass of the Ferent Matter quark: m = md vp^2 / c^2 


This means:


The strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by (vp^2 / c^2)^2 :


The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by 10^38.


This means (vp^2 / c^2)^2  is 10^38.


For c = 2.99 × 10^8 m/s


The speed of the Ferent photon:


vp = 9.45 × 10^17 m/s


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is the right Gravitation theory and Einstein’s Gravitation theory, String theory, LQG…are wrong theories.


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that quarks are not elementary particles, gluons do not exist and the Standard Model is wrong.


“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


All Nobel Laureates, the greatest physicists, your professors did not understand Physics:

Special Relativity, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics, Magnetism, Black Holes, Star formation, the Big Bang, the Universe, Particle collisions, what the Electron is, what the Positron  is, what the Quark is …


Because I discovered Ferent Matter and I discovered what the electron is, I was able to explain all these things:

Special Relativity, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics, Magnetism, Black Holes, Star formation, the Big Bang, the Universe, Particle collisions, what the Electron is, what the Positron  is, what the Quark is …


“Black Holes emit Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent quarks emit Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent electrons emit Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent




“Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity”

Adrian Ferent


793. I am the first who discovered that Ferent photons are Quantum Gravity


794. I am the first who quantized the Gravitational field with Ferent photons


795. I am the first who discovered that Black Holes are Ferent Matter and emit Ferent photons


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001 percent of the total mass of the Universe


“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned”

Adrian Ferent


“Why is physics awesome?


Because you can demonstrate that the Nobel laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors were stupid!”

Adrian Ferent


 “I am the first who calculated Ferent Matter mass of Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter with the mass of planet Neptune, has a stronger Gravitational field than the Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered the Ferent Photons much Faster Than Light (FTL)”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists… about Dark Matter is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter in Milky Way galaxy has very small mass, less than the mass of planet Neptune, not five times the Milky Way galaxy mass, as you learned from your professors.”

Adrian Ferent


Where is Dark Matter?


“Modern science after Ferent with Ferent Matter explains: the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, Stars formation, the Elementary particles…”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter is in the core of stars and planets”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles contain Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles contain Ferent Matter with the mass much smaller than particles mass, but with much higher energy”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particle, made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Ferent Matter particle, is the Unification between Matter and Ferent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


Matter looks like foam or bubbles in contrast with Ferent matter that is why:


“Sun’s core is Ferent Matter”

 Adrian Ferent


A bigger star contains more Ferent Matter!


“Ferent Matter is matter with density higher than Planck density”

Adrian Ferent


“Matter was created from Ferent Matter”

  Adrian Ferent


How much Dark Matter do stars and planets contain?


“Stars and planets contain Dark Matter in proportion to their mass”

Adrian Ferent


More Dark Matter will attract more matter and will result a bigger Star or a bigger Planet.


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory Supermassive Black Holes have very small mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Dark Photons are faster than light, have higher frequencies than photons”

Adrian Ferent


“Mass–energy equivalence for Dark Matter: E = md × vp^2 “

Adrian Ferent


Where md is the Ferent Matter mass and vp is the Ferent Photons speed.


“The speed of Ferent Photons is vp = 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


You learned from your professors, from your books, from the greatest scientists…that Supermassive Black Holes have very big mass!


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory Supermassive Black Holes have very small mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Supermassive Black Holes have very small mass: md = m × c^2 / vp^2”

Adrian Ferent


This is impossible in Einstein Gravitation theory, because Einstein Gravitation theory is wrong.


You learned that Milky Way galaxy has a supermassive Black Hole, 4.1 million solar masses, 8.2 × 10^36 kg, at its center, 26000 light-years from the Solar System. 


In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory the mass of this supermassive Black Hole is not 8.2 × 10^36 kg, it is:


md = m × c^2 / vp^2


md = 7.3 × 10^19 kg


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory the mass of supermassive Black Hole from the center of our galaxy is not 8.2 × 10^36 kg, it is 7.3 × 10^19 kg”

Adrian Ferent


The mass of supermassive Black Hole from the center of our galaxy is 7.3 × 10^19 kg, much smaller than the Moon mass.


“I am the first who calculated the mass and the energy of a Black Hole”

Adrian Ferent


“Physics is much more complicated than you learned, with Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


This is another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity theory is right and Einstein Gravitation theory, String theory, LQG… are wrong theories.


Today ordinary Matter, which includes atoms, stars, galaxies… accounts for only 5% of the contents of the Universe and 26% is Dark Matter.

This means Dark Matter accounts for most of the matter in the Universe.

Dark Matter neither emits nor absorbs electromagnetic radiation.

Ordinary Matter is composed of elementary particles.

The way astronomers study Dark Matter is by its gravitational influence on ordinary matter. 

Because 26 percent is constituted of Dark Matter in the Milky Way galaxy, why we were not able to detect Dark Matter?


The mass of the Milky Way galaxy is 1.04× 10^12 solar masses.


Ferent Quantum Gravity theory explains why we were not able to detect Dark Matter in the Milky Way galaxy, in our own Solar system.


The Earth mass is 6× 10^24 kg, the Sun mass is 2× 10^30 kg.


You learned that Dark Matter mass of the Milky Way galaxy is 5 times higher than Milky Way mass; it is 5.2× 10^12 solar masses.


In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory the Dark Matter mass of the Milky Way galaxy is:


md = m × c^2 / vp^2


md = 9.4× 10^25 kg


The mass of planet Neptune is 1.02× 10^26 kg.


“In Ferent Quantum Gravity theory, Ferent Matter mass of Milky Way galaxy is less than planet Neptune mass.”

Adrian Ferent


“I am the first who calculated Ferent Matter mass of Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent (Dark) Matter has a mass less than the mass of planet Neptune, not five times the mass of Milky Way galaxy.


“Ferent electron mass is 2700 times smaller than the electron mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent quark mass is much smaller than quark mass”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned”

Adrian Ferent


790. I am the first who discovered that Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe


791. I am the first who discovered that Ferent Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Milky Way galaxy


792. I am the first who discovered that Ferent (Dark) Matter constitutes less than 0.001% of the total mass of the Universe, not 26.8% as you learned


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ferent Universe


“Ferent Universe between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent constant a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J·s”

Adrian Ferent


Science before Ferent and science after Ferent with Ferent Matter!


“There are two periods in science:


1. Primitive science before Ferent without Ferent Matter

2. Modern science after Ferent with Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Modern science after Ferent with Ferent Matter explains: the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, Stars formation, the Elementary particles…”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent Matter is matter with density higher than Planck density”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent’s Universe is Big Crunch and Big Bang oscillation from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“When the primordial Black Hole reached Ferent Density Big Bang started”

Adrian Ferent


“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 3 × 10^9 times the speed of light.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


The Universe as a quantum system!

The time-dependent Ferent equation of the Universe, which gives a description of the Universe as quantum system, made of Matter, N elementary particles, Ferent Matter, M elementary particles, and Spiritual Matter, L elementary particles, evolving in time.


Ferent equation of the material and spiritual Universe:


“Ferent gave the world two universes: the Ferent Matter universe with Ferent’s constant ‘a’ and the Spiritual universe with Spiritual constant’s’”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Universe


“Ferent Universe between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent constant ‘a’


“Ferent constant a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J·s”

Adrian Ferent


The value of ‘a’


We have s = h / a

Ferent constant a = h / s


This means Ferent constant:

            a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J·s


“Two important walls:

The Ferent wall: here at time t = 1.294 × 10^(-86) s Ferent Matter was created. 

The Planck wall: here at time t = 5.391 × 10^(-44) s Matter was created”

Adrian Ferent


 “Newton and Einstein did not understand Gravitation, they calculated Gravitation”

 Adrian Ferent


“Newton and Einstein did not understand Gravitation because they did not understand Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


In Ferent Quantum Gravity:


“Einstein bent the space, Ferent unbent the space”

Adrian Ferent


“Black holes are Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Matter was created from Ferent Matter”

 Adrian Ferent


Stolen from Ferent Quantum Gravity:


I discovered how Stars formed around Ferent Matter!


“Stars formed around Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Stars contain Ferent Matter in proportion to their mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Bigger Stars contain more Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered these Ferent Matter particles: Ferent electrons, Ferent quarks, Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


I calculated the speed of Ferent Photons:


“The speed of Ferent Photons is v = 9 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent electrons are inside the electrons and positrons, Ferent quarks are inside the quarks and antiquarks”

 Adrian Ferent


Einstein received the Nobel Prize for the photoelectric effect, but he did not understand the photoelectric effect because he did not understand what the electron is!


“The electron is composed of a photon and a Ferent electron”

Adrian Ferent


“The positron (fermion) is a photon (boson) and a Ferent electron. The Standard Model is wrong.”

 Adrian Ferent


“Ferent discovered what Antimatter is, what the positron is”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Ferent Matter in electron and positron collision”

Adrian Ferent


That is why at particle accelerators the scientists do not understand what they collide, because they do not understand what the electron is, what the positron is!


“At particle accelerators the scientists do not understand what they collide, because they do not understand what Matter is, what Antimatter is and what Ferent Matter is”

Adrian Ferent


“The density of Ferent electron is greater than Planck density”

Adrian Ferent


“The Ferent electron mass is 2700 times smaller than the electron mass”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent electron mass is another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is the right Gravitation theory and Einstein’s Gravitation theory, the Standard Model, String theory, LQG…are wrong theories”

Adrian Ferent


“The quark is composed of a photon and a Ferent quark”

Adrian Ferent


“The elementary particles contain Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particles:”

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent equation for elementary particle, made of 2 particles, a Matter particle and a Ferent Matter particle, is the Unification between Matter and Ferent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


“Einstein was wrong and Ferent is right about the mass–energy equivalence equation”

Adrian Ferent


“All Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors do not understand that the Energy is in Ferent Matter, not in Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The particle energy E is the sum of Matter energy and Ferent Matter energy:

 E = Em + Edm”

Adrian Ferent


”Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation: E=mc^2 + mdvp^2 “

Adrian Ferent


“Ferent’s Model of the atom, electrons and Ferent Matter particles orbit the nucleus”

Adrian Ferent


“Pair production, a photon creating an electron–positron pair near a nucleus, is the proof for Ferent’s Model of the atom”

Adrian Ferent


“Heavier atoms have more Ferent Matter particles”

Adrian Ferent


“The 2013, 2017, 2019, 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics are frauds because they did not understand Gravitation, Ferent Matter and Black Holes”

Adrian Ferent


“Science without Ferent Matter is Stone Age science”

Adrian Ferent


“Science of Einstein and all Nobel Laureates is Stone Age science. Science without Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The Energy is in Ferent Matter, not in Matter”

Adrian Ferent




“There are two periods in science:


1. Primitive science before Ferent without Ferent Matter

2. Modern science after Ferent with Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“Modern science after Ferent with Ferent Matter explains: the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, Stars formation, the Elementary particles…”

Adrian Ferent


788. I am the first who discovered Ferent Universe between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall


789. I am the first who discovered Ferent constant a = 1.590511178×10^(-76) J·s


Monday, July 29, 2024

Aliens do not waste time and energy to visit Earth, to see the stupids of the Galaxy


“Aliens do not waste time and energy to visit Earth, to see the stupids of the Galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


“Aliens do not visit Earth, where the greatest scientists say the speed of Gravity is the speed of light and they received a Nobel Prize for it.”

Adrian Ferent


“Aliens use Ferent photons to communicate, 10^9 times faster than the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


The number of civilizations in our galaxy.


Drake equation:

The equation is wrong because Drake concluded that  N ≈ L, this means N is between 1000 and 100,000,000 civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.


The Milky Way is estimated to contain 100–400 billion stars.


People go to visit big cities, not small villages with stupid people.


“Aliens do not visit Earth, where the greatest scientists say the speed of Gravity is the speed of light and they received a Nobel Prize for it.”

Adrian Ferent


Earth will not be on Aliens priority list to visit!


Anyway the evolution of intelligence seems to be rarer.


On Earth, no other forms of comparable intelligence existed until humans evolved.

Homo sapiens, our own species, came into existence maybe 200,000 years ago. 


“Aliens don't come to see the stupids of the Galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


On Earth people use electromagnetic waves to communicate


When you tune your radio, watch TV, send a text message you are using electromagnetic energy. You depend on this energy every hour of every day.


Electromagnetic waves with the wavelengths other than those of visible light were discovered in the 19th century.


The phrase ‘quantum mechanics’ was first used in Born's 1925 paper "Zur Quantenmechanik".


Other civilizations have more than 1 million years in Quantum mechanics!


Our galaxy is 106,000 light-years across. If a civilization had the means to navigate at even 10% of the speed of light, it could, cross the galaxy in about a million years. 


“Aliens do not waste time and energy, to see the stupids of the Galaxy”

Adrian Ferent


Astronomers are looking for these radio signals but they have not found any yet.


Does that really mean that there is no other life in the cosmos?


“Aliens use Ferent photons to communicate, 10^9 times faster than the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


This means SETI is a waste of time and money!


“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 10^9 times the speed of light.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


 “The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


 “The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


The strong interaction or strong force is a fundamental interaction that confines quarks into proton, neutron and other hadrons particles.


At the range of 10^(−15) m the strong force is approximately 100 times as strong as electromagnetism and 10^38 times as strong as gravitation.


According to Einstein’s General Relativity, gravity travels at the speed of light.


The speed of Gravitational waves in the General theory of relativity is equal to the speed of light.


The first direct observation of gravitational waves was a Fraud, was made in 2015, when a signal generated by the merger of two black holes was received by the LIGO gravitational wave detectors in Livingston, Louisiana, and in Hanford, Washington.


The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics was a Fraud, was subsequently awarded to Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne and Barry Barish for their role in the direct detection of gravitational waves.


The greatest scientists, your professors said from Einstein’s GTR, that the speed of Gravity is the speed of light!


Newton formulation of a gravitational force law requires that each particle with mass respond instantaneously to every other particle with mass irrespective of the distance between them.


Ferent Gravitational Force Function   



F - the force between the masses

G - the gravitational constant

m1 - the first mass;

m2 - the second mass;

v – Gravity speed

r - the distance between the centers of the masses


“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 3 × 10^9 times the speed of light.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“All the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists…did not understand the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, the electron, the quarks…because they did not understand Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from all Nobel Laureates, from the greatest scientists, from your professors, from your books…about the Big Bang is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Big Bang from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“When the primordial Black Hole reached Ferent Density, Ferent Matter was changed to Ferent photons and then Big Bang started”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark”

Adrian Ferent


From the Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation:


E = mc^2 + mdvp^2


Edm = mdvp^2


The speed of the Ferent photon, vp


The Gravitational force is the weakest force.



md1 is the Ferent mass of the quark1.


The strong nuclear force:


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The Strong nuclear force is mediated by Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force between Ferent quarks”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


In FQG the mass of the Ferent Matter quark: m = mdvp^2 / c^2 


This means:


The strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by (vp^2 / c^2)^2 :


The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by 10^38.


This means (vp^2 / c^2)^2  is 10^38.


For c = 2.99 × 10^8 m/s


The speed of the Ferent photon:


vp = 9.45 × 10^17 m/s


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is the right Gravitation theory and Einstein’s Gravitation theory, String theory, LQG…are wrong theories.


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that quarks are not elementary particles, gluons do not exist and the Standard Model is wrong.


“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


All Nobel Laureates, the greatest physicists, your professors did not understand Physics:


Special Relativity, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics, Magnetism, Black Holes, Star formation, the Big Bang, the Universe, Particles collisions, what the Electron is, what the Positron  is, what the Quark is …


Because I discovered Ferent Matter and I discovered what the electron is, I was able to explain all these things:


Special Relativity, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics, Magnetism, Black Holes, Star formation, the Big Bang, the Universe, Particles collisions, what the Electron is, what the Positron  is, what the Quark is …


787. I am the first who discovered that Aliens use Ferent photons to communicate, 109 times faster than the speed of light


Sunday, June 30, 2024

For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 10^9 times the speed of light

 “For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 10^9 times the speed of light.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


 “The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


 “The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


The strong interaction or strong force is a fundamental interaction that confines quarks into proton, neutron and other hadrons particles.


At the range of 10^(−15) m the strong force is approximately 100 times as strong as electromagnetism and 10^38 times as strong as gravitation.


According to Einstein’s General Relativity, gravity travels at the speed of light.


The speed of Gravitational waves in the General theory of relativity is equal to the speed of light.


The first direct observation of gravitational waves was a Fraud, was made in 2015, when a signal generated by the merger of two black holes was received by the LIGO gravitational wave detectors in Livingston, Louisiana, and in Hanford, Washington.


The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics was a Fraud, was subsequently awarded to Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne and Barry Barish for their role in the direct detection of gravitational waves.


The greatest scientists, your professors said from Einstein’s GTR, that the speed of Gravity is the speed of light!


Newton formulation of a gravitational force law requires that each particle with mass respond instantaneously to every other particle with mass irrespective of the distance between them.


Ferent Gravitational Force Function   



F - the force between the masses

G - the gravitational constant

m1 - the first mass;

m2 - the second mass;

v – Gravity speed

r - the distance between the centers of the masses


“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 3 × 10^9 times the speed of light.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“All the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists…did not understand the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, the electron, the quarks…because they did not understand Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from all Nobel Laureates, from the greatest scientists, from your professors, from your books…about the Big Bang is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Big Bang from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“When the primordial Black Hole reached Ferent Density, Ferent Matter was changed to Ferent photons and then Big Bang started”

Adrian Ferent


“Black Holes are Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark”

Adrian Ferent


From the Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation:


E = mc^2 + mdvp^2


Edm = mdvp^2


The speed of the Ferent photon, vp


The Gravitational force is the weakest force.



md1 is the Ferent mass of the quark1.


The strong nuclear force:


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The Strong nuclear force is mediated by Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force between Ferent quarks”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


In FQG the mass of the Ferent Matter quark: m = mdvp^2 / c^2 


This means:


The strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by (vp^2 / c^2)^2 :


The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by 10^38.


This means (vp^2 / c^2)^2  is 10^38.


For c = 2.99 × 10^8 m/s


The speed of the Ferent photon:


vp = 9.45 × 10^17 m/s


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is the right Gravitation theory and Einstein’s Gravitation theory, String theory, LQG…are wrong theories.


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that quarks are not elementary particles, gluons do not exist and the Standard Model is wrong.


“For Ferent the speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light”

Adrian Ferent


All Nobel Laureates, the greatest physicists, your professors did not understand Physics:


Special Relativity, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics, Magnetism, Black Holes, Star formation, the Big Bang, the Universe, Particles collisions, what the Electron is, what the Positron  is, what the Quark is …


Because I discovered Ferent Matter and I discovered what the electron is, I was able to explain all these things:


Special Relativity, Gravity, Quantum Mechanics, Magnetism, Black Holes, Star formation, the Big Bang, the Universe, Particles collisions, what the Electron is, what the Positron  is, what the Quark is …


786. I am the first who discovered that for Ferent the speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s.

For the rest of the world, the speed of Gravity is the speed of light

Monday, June 17, 2024

The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons

 “The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


The strong interaction or strong force is a fundamental interaction that confines quarks into proton, neutron and other hadron particles.


At the range of 10^(−15) m the strong force is approximately 100 times as strong as electromagnetism and 10^38 times as strong as gravitation.


According to Einstein’s General Relativity, gravity travels at the speed of light.

The greatest scientists, your professors said from Einstein’s GTR, that the speed of Gravity is the speed of light and they received a Nobel Prize Fraud, from LIGO!


“I discovered Ferent Matter between the Planck Wall and the Ferent Wall, when all scientists were saying that Dark Matter is Transparent Matter!”

Adrian Ferent


Ferent Matter is not Dark Matter:


Today all the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists, your professors… were not capable to explain Dark Matter, they talk about Transparent matter because they can not see Dark Matter, they talk about Baryonic matter, Non-baryonic matter like axions, they talk about cold, warm or hot Dark Matter, about Supersymmetric Particles as Dark Matter…but Not beyond the Planck Wall.


“All the Nobel Laureates, the greatest scientists…did not understand the Universe, Gravitation, Black Holes, the electron, the quarks…because they did not understand Ferent Matter”

Adrian Ferent


“What you learned from all Nobel Laureates, from the greatest scientists, from your professors, from your books…about the Big Bang is wrong”

Adrian Ferent


“Big Bang from Ferent Wall”

Adrian Ferent


“When the primordial Black Hole reached Ferent Density, Ferent Matter was changed to Ferent photons and then Big Bang started”

Adrian Ferent


“The quark is a photon around Ferent quark”

Adrian Ferent


From the Ferent’s mass–energy equivalence equation:


E = mc^2 + mdvp^2


Edm = mdvp^2


The speed of the Ferent photon, vp


The Gravitational force is the weakest force.



md1 is the Ferent mass of the quark1.

m1 is the Matter mass of the quark1.


The strong nuclear force:


“Gluons do not exist”

Adrian Ferent


“The strong nuclear force is mediated by Ferent Photons”

Adrian Ferent


“The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force between Ferent quarks”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons”

Adrian Ferent


In FQG the mass of the Ferent Matter quark: m = mdvp^2 / c^2 


The strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by (vp^2 / c^2)^2 :


The Strong nuclear force is the Gravitational force multiply by 10^38.


This means (vp^2 / c^2)^2  is 10^38.


For c = 2.99 × 10^8 m/s


The speed of the Ferent photon:


vp = 9.45 × 10^17 m/s


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that Ferent Quantum Gravity is the right Gravitation theory and Einstein’s Gravitation theory, String theory, LQG…are wrong theories.


“The fastest particle in the Universe is the Ferent photon, with a speed of 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This means:


“The speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s”

Adrian Ferent


This in another proof that quarks are not elementary particles, gluons do not exist and the Standard Model is wrong.


784. I am the first who discovered that the speed of Gravity is the speed of Ferent photons


785. I am the first who discovered that the speed of Gravity is 9.45 × 10^17 m/s